was a burgess in 1O42, for Lower Norfolk
Hill, Nicholas, was a justice of the county court of Isle of Wight, major of the militia and burgess in 1660, 1663, 1666. He mar- ried Silvestra Bennett, one of the two daughters of Edward Bennett, a wealthy merchant of London, who was greatly in- terested in the settlement of Virginia. He died in \(^/S- leaving issue.
Hill, "Mr. Thomas," was a burgess from James City in the assembly of 1641. He afterwards settled in York county, where his place was named "Essex Lodge," whicn was the headquarters of Washington at the siege of Yorktow^n in 1781. His widow mar- ried Thomas Bushrod (q. v.).
Hite, Abraham, son of Jost Hite, was a leading man of affairs in Hampshire county, V'irginia, and represented it in the house of burgesses in 1769. 1770, and in the c(^n- vention of May 6. 1776.
George Bowman, Jacob Chrisman, Paul
Froman, and others to the valley of Vir-
ginia. In 1734 he was appointed one of the
first magistrates to administer justice in the
valley. He greatly aided in stimulating the
rcTpid settlement of that part of Virginia.
Hite, Thomas, son of Jost Hite, was burgess for L>erkeley county in the assem- bly of 1772-1774.
Hobbs, Francis, born in 1624, was bur- gess for Isle of Wight county in 1654, cap- tain of militia and justice in 1666.
Hobson, Thomas, born in i666, son of Thomas Hobson. was clerk of Northumber- land county from about 1710 to 17 16. His father, who was born about 1635, was clerk from about 1664 to about 17 10. Thomas Hobson. Jr.. was burgess in 1700-1702. In consequence of the long terms of the clerk- ship in the family he named one of his daughters "Clerk" Hobson.
Hockaday, William, came to Virginia
Isaac, son of Jost Hite. was born ^^out 1640, was a merchant and lawyer, and
May 12, 1723, married Eleanor Eltinge,
April 12, 1745; prominent in affairs in the
Shenandoah. He died September 18, 1795.
leaving issue Anne, who married James
I'iUchanan, of Falmouth; Mary, married Dr.
John McDonald; Eleanor, married John
Williams; Rebecca, married General \\ il-
liam Aylett Booth; Isaac; Sarah, married
Jonathan Clark.
Hite, John, son of Thomas Hite. was a burgess for Berkeley county in the assembly O i775-^77'^'-
Hite, Jost, a native of Strasburg. in Al- sace, emigrated to Pennsylvania, and in 1732 came with his three sons-in-law,
in 1635 was a burgess for Y^ork county.
When New Kent was separated from York
in 1654, his residence fell into that county.
Hockaday, William, was a resident of New Kent county, and a burgess for that county in the assembly from 1748-1749. He was a descendant of AVilliam Hockaday, m.erchant. who came to Virginia about 1640.
Hoddin (Hodin), John, was a burgess from Elizabeth City in the assemblies of 1 642- 1 643 and 1644.
Hodges, Thomas, was a burgess from Norfolk county in the assemblies of 1696
and 1 696- 1 697.