Greenhill, David, son of Paschal Green-
hill, was hurgess for Amelia county in 1761-
1765. He married Catherine Claiborne, sis-
ter of William Clailjorne. of "Romancoke."
who died in 1746. He died in Amelia in
1772, leaving among other children Paschal
Greenhill (q. v.). His L'ncle josei)h left
him lands in Great P)ritain.
Greenhill, Paschal, was a son of David Greenhill, and was burgess from Prince Ed- ward county in the assemblies of 1769-1771 and 1 772- 1 774. He died in Amelia county in 1812.
Gregory, Richard, was burgess for King arid Queen county in 1698. His will was proved in Essex county, February 17. 1701. and names sons, Richard and John, and slaughters, Sarah and Elizabeth.
Gregson, Thomas, was a burgess for Essex county in 1698. His will, dated De- cember 20, 1704, was proved January to, 1705-06. He names his brother, William Gregson, of London ; his sister Rachel, wife of George Arthur, of Bristol, and nephcAvs, Henry and Samuel Lloyd, sons of Henry Lloyd, late of Bristol; wife Ann.
Grendon (Grindon, Grindall), Edward, came to Virginia before 1616, and in if)20 patented 150 acres on the south side of James river, over against Jamestown. This land, called '"ririndall's Hill." was the same a'- the "Old I'\)rt" land which Captain John Smith fortified for a retreat. It w^as a mile up Gray's creek, and went to Thomas Gren- don. his heir, and he in 1649 sold it to Mountjoy Evelyn. In 1625 Edward Gren- don was burgess.
Grendon, Sarah, wife of Lieutenant-Colo- nel Thomas Grendon, was a sympathizer
with Nathaniel Bacon. In 1677 she was ex-
cepted from the general pardon. She after-
ward married ]\Ir. Brain, a merchant of Lon-
don. Evidenth- a woman of strong mind
cMid jnirpose.
Grendon, Thomas, son of Thomas Gren- (i<ni, was a London merchant, who resided frequently in \Trginia. He represented "Smyth's Mount, The Other Side of the Water, and Hogg Island" (now in Surry countv) in the assemblv in 1633. In 1649 he sold (irindall's Hill, patented by Edward (Grindon. to Mountjoy Evelyn. He married F.lizabeth. widow of Thomas Stegge Sr.. n-,erchant of \'irginia and London, who died at sea in 1651. He was succeeded by his son. Thomas Grendon Jr.
Grendon, Thomas, Jr., son of Thomas (irendon. merchant, settled in the parish of Westover. Charles City county, and had large estates in \'irginia and England. He was lieutenant-colonel of the Charles City militia in 1680. commanding the cavalry. He married Sarah, widow of Thomas Stegge Jr.. and died in 1684, when his will disposes of a great estate in \^irginia. StaiTfordshire, England, etc.
Griffin, Lady Christina, wife of Judge Cyrus Griffin, and daughter of John Stuart, sixth Earl of Traquair, in Scotland. She flied in Williamsburg. 1807.
Griffin, Corbin, of ^'orktown, X'irginia, son of Leroy (iriffin and Mary Anne Ber- trand, his wife, graduated Doctor of Medi- cine ; member York county committee of safety, 1775-76; surgeon in the state line during the revolution; state senator, 1780;
died 1813. Married Mary Berkeley, daugh-