I'lantation. lie sclllcd in Lancastt-r county,
was a justice of the j)eace. colonel of the
militia antl a prominent i)lanter and mer-
chant. Me was one of the pioneers of I'res-
bvterianism in Eastern X'ir^t^inia. and was
irtimate with Samuel l)a\ ies and James
Waddell, "the iUind Treacher. " who mar-
ried his dauijliter Mary, lie married (hrsti
Milicent L'onway. (second) Mary, daufjhter
1)1 Colonel Xathaniel llarrison. of Surr}'
ccninty, and d\ini.^ June 2, 1768. left issue.
James (it)rdon ke|)t an interestini.^ diary
which has been published in the "William
and Mary CJuarterly Magazine."
Gordon, Rev. John, son of i'atrick dor- <lon. regent f)f King's College. Aberdeen, was minister of Wilmington parish, James City county, \'irginia, and died circa 1705. lie was brother of Alexander Gordon, pro- fessor of humanity in King's College, Aber- deen, and of George Gordon, professor of < Jriental languages in said college.
Gordon, Samuel, son of David Gordon, of Craig, in the Stewartry of Kirkcudbright, .Scotland ; an eminent merchant of Peters- Imrg. Pie was born in 1727 and died April 14. 1771. His tombstone, with coat-of- arms. lies in Plandford churchyard.
Gorsuch, Rev. John, a royalist minister, rector of W'alkhorn, Herefordshire. 1633, came to X'irginia and died in Lancaster county in 1657. He married .\nne Love- lace, sister of Colonel Erancis Lovelace and Richard Lovelace, the poet. They had sev- eral sons, and three daughters — Katherine,
who married W'hitty ; Ruth, who
married William Whitby, of Warwick cc'Unty, and Anne, who married Thomas Todd, of Mob jack P. ay.
Gosnold, Anthony, l)rother oi Captain
I'.artholomew Gdsnold 1 ([. \. I, came to \'ir-
ginia among the hrst settlers in 1607. He
was a bra\e soldier, and \ery serviceable,
but lost his life with Matthew Scrivener and
Xathaniel Waldoe in a storm when attempt-
ing by boat to reach Hog Lsland in 1609.
Gosnold, Anthony, son of .Anthony Gos- nold (q. \-.l, came to X'irginia in 1607 with his father and uncle. In 1^)21 the Virginia C"<.)mpany granted him three shares of land ii; X'irginia for his subscri])tions.
Gough, Matthew, was a burgess for Hen- rico in 1^)42-43.
Gough, Nathaniel, was a burgess (county unassigned) in the assend)ly of 1642.
Gouldman, Francis, was burgess from Essex county in the sessions of April 24, i7o<'), October 22. 171 2. and Xovember 16, 1714.
Cough, William, son of Mr. John Gough, pj.tented in 1694, 1,225 acres on Pepettico swamp, formerly the land granted his father. He was burgess for King and Queen at the assembly of 1700-1702. but died before the opening of the third session in 1702.
Gourgainy (Gurgany, Gourgaing), Ed- ward, was granted in 161 7 by the Virginia Company of London 400 acres afterwards known as "Longfield" and still later as "Curies." In 1619 he represented Argall's Gift in the first general assembly at James- t(.wn. He died the same year, leaving a widow Anne, who bequeathed "Longfield" to Captain Thomas Harris. It was after- wards the residence of Xathaniel Paeon Jr.
Gower, Abell, was a justice of Henrico
ciiunty. X'irginia. from i)79 till his death