testate about 1722, leaving issue George and
Fitzhugh, Henry, son of William Pitz- hugh, of ■■l]edfurd." King George county, was born January 15, 1686-87, and died De- cember 12, 1758. He was high sheriff of Staff'ord county in 1715, and burgess in 1712-1714. He married February 24, 1718, Susanna, daughter of Mordecai Cooke, of Gloucester county. He was a man of large e^tate in lands and slaves. His portrait by John lleselius is still preserved.
Fitzhugh, Henry, of ■"Bedford," son of Henry Fitzhugh, was born September 10, 1723. and died in February, 1783. He mar- ried. October 2^. 1746, Sarah Pattaile. of Caroline county. He was colonel of the Stafford county militia. He had issue Henry. John Battaile. William, George, Thomas, Nicholas. Richard, Mordecai Cooke, Bat- taile. Giles, Sarah, Susan, Mary.
Fitzhugh, Henry, only son of William Fitzhugh, Esq., of '•Eagle's Nest." Stafford county, (now King George), was born in 1706 and died December 6. 1742. He ma- triculated at Christ Church, Oxford. Octo- ber 20. 1722, and on his return to Virginia settled on his paternal estate in Stafford county (now King George). He was mem- ber of the house of burgesses in 1736- 1 74G and 1 742- 1 747. and was once an unsuccess- ful candidate for speakership. He was also lieutenant-colonel of the Stafford militia. He married Lucy, daughter of Hon. Robert Carter, of "Corotoman." He left a large and valuable estate.
Fitzhugh, Major John, son of William Fitzhugh. of "Bedford," was a member of the house of burgesses for Stafford county
from 1727 to his death. January 21, 1733.
lie married on or before 1719. Anna Bar-
bara, daughter of Daniel McCarthy, speaker
of the house of burgesses. He left issue
William, Daniel. Sarah, liarbara. John.
Fitzhugh, Colonel William, of "Alarmion" Staff'ord county, {now King George j, son of Major John Fitzhugh, was born April 13, 1725, and died in 1791 ; major of the Staf- ford militia in 1752, and burgess from 1761 to 1765. Fie married twice, (^first) Ursula, daughter of Colonel William Beverley, of I'dandfield, Essex county, and (second) Hannah .
Fitzhugh, William, son of Henry Fitz- hugh, of the town of Bedford. England, was baptized at St. Paul's Church, Bedford, Jan- uary 10. 165 1. He acquired a good education and came to Virginia about 1670 and settled at Bedford in Staff'ord county (but now King George). William Fitzhugh practiced hw and Avas also a large planter and dealer in tobacco. He was burgess for Stafford from 1676 to 1686, and lieutenant-colonel commanding the Stafford militia. At his death in 1700, he left an estate of 54.000 acres of land. He married Mary, daughter of John Tucker, of Westmoreland county. He had issue, four sons, William. Henry, Thomas. George and John.
Fitzhugh, William, son of George PTtz- hugh. born 1721. died February ii, 1798, resided first in Staff'ord county, Virginia. In 1740 he was captain in \'ernon's Cartha- ginian expedition, under Sir William Gooch. He was member of the house of burgesses for Stafford from 1748 to 1758. In 1759 he removed to Maryland and was soon ap-
pointed a member of the colonial council