1769. 1 769- 177 1. 1 772- 1 774 and 1775, and in
the conventions of August, 1774, March,
1775, July, 1775, December, 1775, and May,
1776. He died in 1785, leaving six sons.
Feild, Peter, l)oru about 1647, ^^'^s major of the militia of Henrico and burgess in 1688 and 1693. He died in New Kent county, July 24. 1707. He married twice, (first) Judith Soane, daughter of Henry Soane, speaker of the house of burgesses, by whom he had Mary, who married Thomas JelTerson. grandfather of President
Thomas Jefiferson ; (second ) Alice ,
who survived him.
Felgate, Captain Robert, was in Virginia before 1626, was a justice of the peace, and a burgess for the "Plantations on the other side of the Water," in 1629 and 1630, pat- ented land on Fellgate's Creek, York county, and died there about 1655. He married
twice (first) Margaret ; (second)
Sil)ella Atkins, widow of Atkins. His
brother Tobias was a well known ship cap- tain and another brother, William, was a skinner in London, who settled in Virginia and died 1660.
Felgate, Captain Tobias, mariner, pat- ented in 1632, lands adjoining his brother Captain Robert Felgate's. As early as 1632 he had made five voyages to Virginia as mate and master. Felgate's Creek in York county gets its name from him.
Fielding, Ambrose, was a son of Rev. Roger Fielding, an Episcopal clergyman of Horton, Gloucestershire, England, and set- tled in Northumberland county, Virginia, in 1667. He was a justice of the county court from 1669 to his death in 1675. His inven- tory mentions plate with the Fielding arms.
He left issue Richard, Edward and Anne.
His Ijrother, Dr. Robert Fielding, was
ejected in 1648 from his fellowship in Ba-
liol College, Oxford, by the parliamentary
party. His brother Richard lived for a time
in X-'irginia and had a large estate in both
iuigland and Virginia. His brother Edward
was one of the aldermen of the city of Bris-
tol, and had a plantation in Northumber-
land county, Virginia.
Filmer, Henry, was a burgess from James City county in the assembly of 1642-1643. He resided in James City and Warwick counties ; he was son of Sir Edward Filmer, of East Sutton, Kent, and his wife, Zliza- ];tth, daughter of Richard Argall and sister of Samuel Argall, governor of Virginia. >lenry Filmer's brother, Sir Robert, was a strong cavalier and suffered much for his loyalty to the King. Henry 1^'ilmer left de- scendants and his name appears in several of the present Warwick county families.
Fishback, John, son of Philip Fishback and Elizabeth Heimbach, his wife, of Truppbach, near Siegen, Nassau, Germany, was born Jul}- 12, 1691, and came to Vir- ginia as a member of the colony of miners settled by Spotswood at Germanna, Vir- ginia, in 1 714. He moved with the other German settlers to Germantown in Fau- quier county about 1721. He married Agnes Ilaeger, daughter of the pastor, Henry Haeger. His will was probated in Prince William county, ]\Iarch 19. 1734.
Fitzhugh, George, son of William Fitz- hugh, of "Bedford." was a member of the house of burgesses for Stafford county in 1718. He married Mary, daughter of Colo-
nel George Mason, of Stafford, and died in-