Act and although he disapproved of his wife, Jane and daughter Ann. He was
the later revenue act. he disapproved of a burgess for the plantations between Har-
f(»rcible resistance. In the year 1789 he be-
came a minister of the Protestant Episcopal
Church, and on the death of Rev. David
Griffith, he became minister of Fairfax par-
ish. He served from 1789 to 1792, when he
resigned. In 1800 the house of lords ad-
mitted his title as Lord Fairfax of Cameron,
and his right to a seat in their body. He
died in 1802 at Mount Eagle, near Alex-
andria. Virginia.
Fairfax, Ferdinando, was a Mrginia mer- chant of London, and resided in X'irginia in 1659 and other years. Ik* was son of Colonel Charles Fairfax, of Menston. York- shire, and grandson of Thomas, first Lord Fairfax. He was l)()rn in 1636, and died i:: 1664.
Fairfax, Lord Thomas, of Leeds Castle. Kent. England, sixth baron of Cameron in Scotland, was the son of Lord Thomas Pairfax, fifth baron, matriculated at Oriel College, Oxford. January 24, 1709-1710. Was heir through his mother Catherine, only daughter and heiress of Lord Thomas Cul- peper. to the northern neck of Virginia. came to Virginia in 1739 and again in 1745, when he remained until his death, Decem- ber 9. 1781. aged ninety years. He lived at "Greenway Court." near Winchester, and was a friend of George Washington. He never married, and he was succeeded as seventh baron by his brother Robert in Scotland, and he in turn by his cousin. Rev. Prvan Fairfax as eighth baron.
Farley, Thomas, of Worcestershire, gent- leman, came in the Ann in 1623. and the same year was living at Archer's Hope with
rop and Archer's Hope and Martin's Hun-
died at the session of March. 1629-30, and
f(-r Archer's Hope. February. 1631-32.
Farlow, George, was one of Cromwell's soldiers, and an expert mathematician. He came to \'irginia probably about 1660 and t('ok part with Bacon in 1676. He was cap- tured and hanged. His niece Lydia mar- ried Major Edmund Chisman. another of Bacon's officers.
Farmer, Lodowick, was a burgess for Lunenburg county in the assembly of 1769- 177 1. He died in 1780. and left issue.
Farmer, Thomas, was burgess from The I'lantations of the college and neck of land, in the assembly of 1629-30.
Farnefold, John, son of Sir Thomas Far- iiefold. of Gatwickes in Staynning. Sussex county. England, came to Virginia before 1672. and was minister of Fairfield parish Xorthumberland county. In 1680 he was n;inister of St. Stephen's parish, and re- mained so till his death in 1702. By his will he provided for a free school in North- umberland county. He married Elizabeth, widow of Cajitain A\' illiam Nutt, but left no issue.
Farrar, Lieutenant-Colonel John, was sim of Captain William l'\'irrar of the \"irginia council, who was a kinsman of Nicholas I'arrar (Ferrer), deputy treasurer of the Mrginia Com])any of London. He was jus- tice of Henrico county, 1677-1684, sheriff. T683; burgess. 1680, 1682, 1684. and died un- n.arried about March, 1685.
Farrar, Colonel William, was son of Cap-