\'irginia in 1624 with Mrs. Epps, and Peter
and William Epps. Not long after his ar-
rival, he had a duel with Captain Edward
Stalling, whom he killed. In 1633. he ap-
pears to ha\ e been resident in the Island
of St. Christopher's.
Eppes, Littlebury, was a son of Colonel Irancis F.ppes. of Henrico, and grandson of Captain hVancis Eppes. of the council. He resided in Charles City county, was jus- tice of the peace in i()^)() and many other years, burgess for Charles City in 1710-1712 and 1712-1714. and county clerk in 1714.
Eskridge, Colonel George, came to \'ir- ginia about 1690. was a lawyer, attorney for the King in Westmoreland county, member of the house of burgesses in 1705-1706. 1710- 1712. 1712-1714. 1718, 1720-1722. i723-i72i and 1 727- 1 734. From 1702 to 1729. he was granted several thousand acres of land in the eastern part of Virginia. He died about 1730. He married Hannah Ash ton and left issue ; portraits of himself and his wife are still preserved.
Eskridge, Samuel, son of Colonel George Eskridge, was a burgess for Northumber- land county in the assemblies of 1769-1771 and 1 772- 1 774. but died before the last ses- sion, and Peter Presley Thornton took his place. He married Jane Steptoe.
Everard, Thomas, was clerk of Elizabeth City county from 1743 to 1745. then clerk of York county from 1745 to 1784. He served also as clerk of the committee of courts of the house of burgesses, and as commissioner of accounts. His daughter. Martha, married Dr. Isaac Hall, of Peters- burg. He was probably a near relative
of Sir Richard Everard, governor of North
Ewell, Solomon, was a burgess from Ac- comac county in the assemblies of 1718 and 1720-1722. He was probably a brother of Charles Ewell, of Northumberland county.
Eyre, Littleton, was burgess from North- cimiiton county from 1742 to 1761. De- scended from Thomas h'.yre, who died in T657.
Eyre, Severn, i)robably a son of Littleton Eyre ( (j. \. ), was burgess in the assemblies of 1766-1768. 1769, 1769-1771 and 1772-1774. but he died in 1773. He visited New Eng- land for his health and John .\dams com- mented upon his ability and general intelli- gence.
Eyres (Eyre) Robert, was a burgess from Lower .Xorfolk county in*the assemblies of 1646 and 1648. Thomas b'yre. a Quaker, lived about the same time in Accomac county and died in 1657. His widow, Sus- anna ' llaker) Eyres, married (second) Cap- tain I'Vancis Pott, and (third) Lieutenant- Colonel William Kendall. Robert Eyres, or I'.yre, died before 1647, when John Custis married his widow, Elizabeth. Robert and Thomas Eyre may have been sons of Thomas .Vyres or Eyres, who was one of the company to settle near Warascoyack in Isle of W'ight county in 1622.
Fairfax, Bryan, eldest son of Hon. Wil- liam h'airfax (q. v.), of the council of state, and Deborah Clarke, his second wife. Pie served in the French and Indian war, went to England in 1765, and while there the troubles began in Virginia relative to the
.^tamji .Act. He condemned the Stamp