I!mperor, of Xorwich, England, who was
born in 15H4. He appears to have come to
\'irginia about 1650, and settled in Lyn-
haven jjarish. Norfolk county, ble was a
c( mmissioner. high sheriff and surveyor
and collector of the customs. He had his
own ships and traded with New Amster-
dam, New England and the West Indies.
1 le w^as a Puritan in sym])athy. He married
Marv Tully and died in 1676, leaving sons
Francis, ^\■illiam and Tully Emperor, and
daughter Elizabeth Philips. The original
iiame appears to have been De Keyser, and
its first meml)ers in England were Dutch-
English, Captain John, of Isle of Wight county. ]:»urgess in 1658-59; will proved Oc- tober 9, 1678.
English, William, justice for York county
rico county, lieutenant-colonel of militia,
married, and left issue, Francis, William;
I ittlebury, Mary, married John Hardiman.
and Anne.
Eppes, Colonel Francis, of Henrico, born i()59, died about January, 1718-1719, was the son of Lieutenant-Colonel Francis Ep- j'cs, and grandson of Captain Francis Eppes. (*f the council, lie was justice of Henrico county in 1C83 and for many other years; sheriff; burgess, 1691, 1693, ^^^ 1703-1705, 1 705- 1 706. He married Ann, daughter of Henry and Katherine Isham, of Bermuda Hundred, and his will was proved in June. 1720.
Eppes, Colonel Francis, son of Colonel Francis Eppes, and Anne Isham, his wife, was made a justice of Henrico county in 1710; and in March, 1719-1720, was ap-
in 1633, member of the house of burgesses pointed a trustee of Bermuda Hundred, in
for l'7ii/.al)eth City county in 1629, 1632, and
16,33. As sheriff (jf Charles river, or York
county, in 1635. he was i)resent at the meet-
ing at William Warren's house near the
jjrcscnt \'orktown. which was held to pro-
test against the tyranny of Sir John Har-
vey. He was arrested by Harvey, but re-
leased by the assembly. He died in 1646,
lca\ing issue by his wife Susannah. Eliza-
beth, William and Dennis English.
Ennalls, Bartholomew, emigrated to \\r- ginia about 1660. and in 1661 married Mary, niece of Francis Heyward, deceased. He afterwards remo\ed to Maryland where in 1674 he patented "Bartholomew's Range." He died in 1688. leaving issue.
Eppes, Francis, son of Captain Francis Eppes, of the council, was born about 1628 and died in 1678. He was a justice of Hen-
the place of his deceased father. He was a
member of the house of burgesses in 1712-
1714, and died in 1734.
Eppes, Francis, was a burgess for Prince George county in 1736. 1738, 1740, 1742, 1744. 1745, 1746. 1747, 1748. 1749-
Eppes, John, was a burgess for Prince
George county in 1755.
Eppes, Richard, son of Colonel Francis Eppes, of Henrico, who died in 1734, resided in Chesterfield county, and was burgess for that county in the assemblies of 1752-1755, 1756-1758, 1759-1761, 1761-1765. He died in 1764. Married Martha, daughter of Robert Boiling. His will is recorded in Chester- field county, and disposes of a large estate.
Epps, Captain 'William, came to Virginia
in 1619. and resided on the eastern shore of