a: Jamestown and ])lantati('ns in SnrrN .
He represented Surry county in the liouse
of burgesses. 1703-1705. i7o(>, and lii>> will
dated January 9. IJ22. was jjroved in Surr\
county. I'ebruary J^. 1722. lie married
(first) Elizabeth. dau,uhter of Colonel i'>en-
jamin Harrison: ( second i a dau.j^hter of
Micajali Eowe merchant, of Charles C"it\ .
and nephew of Micajah Perry, of Lon-
Eggleston, Joseph, was a bur^jess for lames City county in the assembl}- of 1727- 1734. but he died in 17.^2. lie was ancestor of the I\ii;-.s^lestons of Amelia county.
Eldridge, Thomas, son of Thomas Fdd- ridije. an attorney-at-law. and Judith Ken- iion. his wife. He married ( first) Martha llollinti^. a descendant of Pocahontas; (sec- ond) Elizabeth Jones, daughter of James and Sarah (Howell) Jones, of Surry county. I'y his first marriage he had Rolfe Eldridge. clerk ()f Puckingham count}- from 1770 to 1 806.
ElHgood, Jacob, ])robably descended from ITias La Guard, one of the French \'ig- neron ]:)lanters at P.uck Roe. Elizabeth City county, in 1620: justice of Princess Anne county in 1730 and other years; burgess in the assemblies of 1736-1740, 1742-1747. 1748- 1749 probably father of Colonel Jacob ElH- good. who sided with Dunmore in 1775. and left the colony.
Ellyson (Ellison), Robert, came to Mary- land as "Parber Chirurgeon" before i)43. r-nd after holding the office of high sheriff of St. Mary's county, emigrated to James- town, where he was high sheriff of James Citv countv. and sergeant-at-arms of the house of burgesses in i(')57-Tr)58. and a
leading burgess in l()56. l()(^, 1661. 1663,
with the rank of captain. He left a daugh-
ter Hannah, who married Anthony Armis-
t( ad. and a son Gerard Robert Ellyson
Embry, Henry, was in 1727 captain of the Surry county militia. In 1732 he was a justice of the first court of Prunswick. He represented that county in the assembly in the sessions of 1736-1740 and in 1748-1749. In 1746 he was commander of the Lunen- burg militia. Died about 1758, and his widow Priscilla married William Hill.
Embry, William, son of Henry Embry, was a burgess from Lunenburg county in th.e assemblies of 1754. 1755 and 1756- 1758. He was an early vestryman of Cumberland ] arish. Lunenburg county, ilis will, dated in \'/()0. names sons \\'illiam and Henry.
Emerson, William, was a burgess from W'eyanoke in the assembl}- of 1632-33.
Emerson, Rev. Arthur, was a son of John I-jiierson. of New Castle-on-Tyne ; P. A. of ( 'xford University, 1733; went to Antigua i[' 1736. and in 1755 was member of Acco- mac. He left a son. Arthur, who was also a minister (q. v.).
Emerson, Rev. Arthur, son of Rev. Arthur lunerson. educated at William and Mar}- College, where he was assistant usher and usher to the grammar school (1762- 1763) ; was ordained a minister in England
- .nd returned in 1768; rector of Meherrin
jjarish, Greensville county, 1773-1776; after- wards rector in Nansemond county, where ii! 1785 he had a classical school; rector of Portsmouth parish, Norfcjlk county, from 1785 to t8oi, when he died.
Emperor, Francis, probably son of Francis