school as Hampton Academy. It is now
known as the Syms-Eaton Academy. The
joint fund amounts at present to $10,000.
Edlow (Edloe), Matthew, came to Vir- ginia in 1618, and in 1629 was a member of the house of burgesses for "the plantation at the College." He married Alice, the widow of Luke Boys. He was dead in 1637, leaving a son Matthew (q. v.).
Edlow (Edloe), Matthew, son of Mat- thew Edlow (q. v.j, had a grant of 1,200 acres in James City county, over against Chippokes Creek in 1637. As captain, he v/as burgess for James City in 1659. He was later lieutenant-colonel of the militia. Me married Tabitha (probably Minge) and (lied in 1668, leaving a son John.
Edmunds, John, probably son of Thomas Edmunds, of Surry, was burgess for Sus- sex county in the assemblies of 1752-1755, 1 756- 1 758, 1 758- 1 76 1, 1 761- 1765, October, 1765, 1766, 1768, May, 1769 and 1 769-1 771. lie died before the last assembly was out. ilis will dated February 13, 1770, was proved April 10, 1770.
Edmunds, Thomas, was burgess for Surry county in the assembly of 1736-1740. He died in 1738, before his term was out.
Edmundson, James, son of Thomas Ed- inuiulson. and Dorothy, daughter of Colo- nel William Todd, was burgess for Essex county in the assemblies of 1769-1771, 1772- 1774, 1 775- 1 776 and the conventions of 1774, T775 and 1776. He married Miss Throck- morton, and died about 1791, leaving his [iroperty to his Throckmorton nephews and nieces.
Edmondson, Thomas, was a burgess from
Essex county in the assemblies of 1693, and
1696-97; and in the sessions of Decembei
5, 1700, and May 13, and June 18, 1702. He
died in 1715 leaving eight sons: James,
Joseph, William. Bryant, Thomas, Samuel,
Benjamin, and John, and two daughters,
.'^arah Ilaughan and Anne Haynie.
Edwards, Nathaniel, son of John Ed- wards, settled in l^runswick county, where he was one of the first members of the county court. He was a justice of the peace and major of the militia. He married Jane Eaton, widow of Anthony Haynes, and died ill 1771, leaving issue, several children, one of whom was Nathaniel, Jr., who repre- sented Brunswick in the house of burgesses from 1769 to 1 77 1.
Edwards, William, merchant, was prob- ably son of William Edwards, mentioned among the dead in 1624; patented lands on the south side of James river opposite to Jamestown about 1648, was a burgess for Surry in 1652 and 1653, and clerk from 1653 till his death in 1673. He was born in 161 5 and had by his wife Dorothy, three sons, William (q. v.), John and Thomas.
Edwards, William, son of William Ed- wards, and Dorothy, his wife, was clerk of the general court in 1688, from 1673 till 1698 was clerk of Surry county court, and in 1694 was clerk of the council for the colony. He married Ann Manfield, daugh- ter of George Manfield, and died in 1698. He resided, for the most part, in Jamestown, where he had a lot near the church tower, and another near Orchard Run. He left issue a son William (q. v.).
Edwards, William, son of William Ed-
wards, and Ann Manfield. his wife, had lots