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rod. ancestor of Judge Bushrod Washing- ton.

Butler, Captain Nathaniel, eldest son of John Butler I'-sq., of Tofte in Sharnbrooke, Bedfordshire, was a member of the council in England for \'irginia, governor of the Bermuda islands from 1619 to 1622, was in \irginia during the winter of 1622-23, when he conducted an expedition against the In- dians, lie went to England in the spring and ])ublished his "Unmasking of Virginia." He was on the \'irginia commission of 1624, was at Cadiz in i(>2^. the Isle of Rhe in i<2j: a captain in the i\.o\al nav}'; governor o\ the Bahamas 1638-1641; committed to Newgate by the council of state of the com- monwealth for dispersing treasonable books m June, i<')49.

Butler, Rev. Thomas, was ])astor of the |;arish of Denbigh. He married ]\Iary Brewer, widow of John Prewer Esq., of the ci.uncil of state, and in 1635 he was given a patent for 1,000 acres in Isle of Wight county on account of the persons imported b}- Mr. Brewer. The land is still known as Brewer's Xeck and lies between Brewer's and Chuckatuck creeks.

Butler, William, was a burgess for James Lity county in 1641 and 1642, and for Surry C(.unty in 1653 and 1658. He was major of the militia of Surry. He was probabh- a fon of Re\-. Thomas Butler (q. v.).

Butt, Thomas, was son of Robert Butt, of the "Southern Branch of the Elizabeth River." Norfolk county, who made his will in 1675 which was proved in 1676. He was burgess for Lower Norfolk county in 1700-

Cabell, John, sun ..f Dr. \\illiam Cabell, the immigrant, resided at "Green Hill," Buckingham county. He was chairman of the count}- committee of safet\- in 1775; was a member of the convention of May, 1776; was county lieutenant of Buckingham; tneml)er of the house of delegates from 1777 to 1788. He married (first) Paulina, daugh- ter of Colonel Samuel Jordan, (second) Eliz- abeth Brereton Jones. His will, dated April 22, was proved June 12, 1815.

Cabell, Joseph, son of Dr. William Cabell, the immigrant, lived at "Sion Hill," Buck- ingham county, Virginia. He was born September 19, 1732; was justice of Albe- marle in 1760; major in I7()2; burgess for Buckingham county from 1761 to 1771, and for Amherst county from 1772 to 1775, and member of all revolutionary conventions ex- cei)t that of May 6, 1776. when he was pay- master oi the troops on the frontier. He was afterwards a member of the house of delegates. 1776 to 1779; count}- lieutenant of .Amherst, 1778 and other years; state sena- tor, 1781-1785; member of the house of dele- gates, 1 788-1 790. He married Mary, daugh- ter of Dr. Arthur Hojikins. and died March I. 1798. lea^•ing issue.

Cabell, Dr. William, was tiie scjn of Nich- olas Cal)ell, of Warminster, luigland. and was born March 9. 1699; emigrate<l to \'ir- ginia aliout 1724. and died April 12, 1774. He held a great variety of ofifices; was county surveyor, sherifif, justice of the peace anrl county lieutenant. His life is identified with the counties of Henrico, Goochland. -Vlbemarle, Amherst and Nelson. In 1756- 1758 he was burgess for Albemarle. He

married (first) Elizabeth Burks, (second)

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