1718. He resided at "King's Creek" plan-
tation in York county, where his tomb still
stands. He was one of the justices for the
county and a burgess for 1715 and 1718.
Burwell, Lewis, son of Major Lewis l>ur- well, of "Carter's Creek," Gloucester county, and Martha Lear, his second wife, was a student at William and Mary College in 1718. lie resided at "KingsmilT' in James City count}-, and was a colonel of the mili- tia and burgess in 1742-1747.
He laid out great sums oi money in build- ing a mansion house and gardens on James river. He died about 1744. leaving issue Lewis (q. v, ) and Armistead (q. v. I.
Burwell, Lewis, immigrant, was son of i'.dward Hurwell, of Bedfordshire, England, and Dorothy Bedell, his wife. He was born March 5, 162 1, and died November 4, 1653. He settled in Virginia about 1640. and re- sided at Carter's Creek in (doucester county, where his tonil) long remained. He married Lucy, daughter of Ca])tain Robert Higgin- son, and was "sergeant major" of the militia.
Burwell, Lewis, son of President Lewis Turwcll, studied law at the Inner Temple. sherilT of Gloucester county in 1767; bur- gess 1 769- 1 774: member of the conventions of 1775. and 177). died in 1779. He mar- ried Judith l\'ige, daughter of Mann Page, and had Alice Grymes, who married William C. Williams; Judith, who married George Miles: Nathaniel, sherifif of Gloucester in 1808 and Lewis, who married Judith Ken- non.
Burwell, Lewis, of "Kingsmill," was son of Lewis lUirwell, who was son of Major Lewis P.urwcll of Carter's Creek, wdio died
ill 1710, He married Frances Thacker,
widow of James Bray in 1745. He w^as
member of the house of burgesses for James
City county from 1758 to 1775. and died in
Burwell, Nathaniel, of "Carter's Creek," Gloucester county, baptized October 14, 1680, was the eldest son of Major Lewis Burwell and Abigail Smith, his wife, niece of Hon. Nathaniel Bacon. He was a mem- ber of the house of burgesses for Glouces- ter county in 1710, and major of the county militia. He married Elizabeth Carter, daughter of Colonel Robert Carter, and died in 1 72 1. His widow married (secondly) Dr. George Nicholas.
Bush, John, gentleman, came at his own charge in 1618; and his wife Elizabeth, and two children, Elizabeth and Alary came in 1619; settled at Kecoughtan, where he pat- ented land in 1624; died in 1625.
Bushrod, John, son of John r.ushrod, and grandson of Richard Bushrod, the immi- grant to Virginia. He resided at "Bush- field," in Westmoreland county, and was justice, colonel of the militia and burgess for that county from 1746 to 1756. His d^aighter Hannah married John Augustine \A'ashington, Ijrother of General George Washington and father of Judge Bushrod Washington of the United States Supreme Court.
Bushrod, Thomas, born 1604, was one of the justices of York county and a burgess in 1658 and 1659. He was a Quaker and in his will dated December 18, 1676, he for- bids "common prayers to be read at his
grave." He was a brother of Richard Bush-