< Page:Encyclopedia of Virginia Biography volume 1.djvu
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William. John. Hensfield and Jane. The son ui Charles Bruce was Charles Bruce of "Soldiers" Rest." For Bruce Genealogy see 'A'irginia Magazine of History and Biog- raphy. "' xi., 197. 3,2^. 441 ; xii-. 446.

Bryan, Dr. Richard, was son of Richard r.ryan. of King George county; in 1753 he received £250 for discovering a cure for the ••dry gripes," dysentery. His wife was Frances Batteley, daughter of Moseley Bat- teley, of Spottsylvania, a descendant of Governor Samuel Mathews, of Virginia.

Buck, Rev. Richard, came to Virginia with Sir Thomas Gates in 1610. He is said to have been a graduate of Oxford. He was minister of Jamestown from 1610 to his death between 1621 and 1624. He acted as chaplain of the general assembly w^hich con- \ ened in the church at Jamestown July 30, 1619. the first law making body to meet on the American continent. His widow I'ridget married (secondly) John Burrows, o! "Burrows Hill" and (thirdly) John Brom- field. He had four, probably live, children: Sarah, Benoni, Gershom, Peleg and Eliza- beth, wife of Sergeant Thomas Crump.

Buckner, John, of St. Sepulchre's, citizen and Salter of London, w^as born in 1630, married Deborah Ferrers, of \\"est ^^'ick- ham, Bucks in 1661, came to \^irginia with his brother Philip, and settled in Gloucester county. He was the first man to use a print- ing press in Virginia and employed one John Nuthead to print the laws of the gen- eial assembly of 1680. He was forbidden to print further without license. He left issue \\'illiam (q. v.) ; Thomas (q. v.) ; John ( c|. v.). and Richard (q. v.).

Buckner, John, son of John Buckner, of

Gloucester county, was burgess for Glou- cester in 1715. He removed to Essex county and died before 1727. leaving sons John and William.

Buckner, John, son of Major AX'illiam Buckner, of Yorktown, was captain of the militia, and burgess for York county, in 1 734-1740. He died without issue, leaving his lands to his nephew, Griffin Stith.

Buckner, Richard, son of John Buckner, of Gloucester county, was clerk of Essex county in 1703, and clerk of the house of burgesses in 171 3.

Buckner, Richard, was a burgess for Car- din county, in the assembly of 1727-1734. He died at the opening of the session in 1734. He was probably a son of Richard Buckner, clerk of Essex county in 1703 fq. v.).

Buckner, Samuel, son of Thomas Buck- ner, resided in Gloucester county, which he represented in the house of burgesses in 1 744- 1 747. He was lieutenant-colonel of the militia and made his will November 5. 1763. He left three children: i. Dorothy, who married Baldwin Mathews Buckner. 2. ]Marv, who married Charles Mynn Thrus- ton. 3. Elizabeth, who married Colonel AA illiam Finnic.

Buckner, Thomas, son of John Buckner, c>t Gloucester county, was burgess for Glou- cester county in 1698, 1715. 1718. He mar- ried Sarah, daughter of Captain Francis Morgan, and left issue.

Buckner, William, son of John Buckner, appointed justice of York county 1694;

sheriflf 1695, 1696, and member of the house

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