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1775 and 1770. His will dated in 1781 was proved ]\Iay 13, 1782. lie married Hannah, dau.^-hter of Colonel Richard Tunstall.

Brown, Charles, doctor of physic, resided in \\'illianisburg, where he died in 1738. He- had the finest library of books in physic and natural philosophy ever offered to sale in the cclcnv.

Brown, Dr. John, of Coldstream, North I'.ritain. came to Williamsburg, Virginia, in the early part of the eighteenth centur} . He first married Margaret, who died in 1720: second Mildred Washington, who married (secondly) Colonel Henry A\ illis, oi Fredericksburg. He died September 24, [726.

Browne, Devereaux, was one of the first justices of Accomac county as created anew in 1663. and was burgess in September. ■ 1663.

Browne. Henry, who was son of Henry Browne, and grandson of Captain W'illiam Browne of "Four Mile Tree," Surry county. Married Hannah Edwards, daughter of Colonel Benjamin Edwards. He was a bur- gess from Surry county in 1761 and 1762, and died the latter year.

Browne, John, was a l)urgess for Shirley Hundred in 1629.

Browne, William, married Mary, daugh- ter of Colonel Henry Browne, of "Four Mile Tree." Surry county; justice of Surry county, 1668-1705 ; major of militia, 1672, and lieutenant-colonel, 1679, 1687 ; presiding justice. 1687: sheriff 1674 and 1687; and member of the house of burgesses, 1676- 1677, 1679. 1681 and 1682. He married

(second) Elizabeth Meriwether, widow of Nicholas Meriwether.

Browne, Captain William, was son of Lieutenant-Colonel W illiam Brown, of "I*"our Mile Tree," Surry county, and was born in 1671. He married Jane Meriwether, daughter of Nicholas Meriwether; justice in 1693 '^"d for many years later, becoming in 1710 presiding justice of Surry county. His will dated July 3. 1746, was proved in Surry, January 19. 1747.

Browne, William, of ""Four Mile Tree," Surrv county, son of Captain William J'>rowne. was born March 5, 1739; member of the county committee of safety, Febru- ary. 1776; member of the house of delegates, 1777. 1780. His will was dated June 19, 1786 and proved June 2"], 1786.

Browne, William Burnett, was son of William Browne of Salem. Massachusetts, l)y Mary Burnett, his wife, only daughter of William Burnett, governor of Massachu- setts, son of the celebrated bishop, Gilbert Burnett. He married Judith, daughter of Charles Carter, of "Cleve," in King George county, V^irginia. He died at "Elsing Green." King \\'illiam county, May 6, 1784, leaving three daughters : Elizabeth Carter, who married John Bassett ; Judith Carter, who married Robert Lewis ; ]\Iary, who married Herbert Claiborne of "Sweet Hall," King William county.

Browning, John, was a burgess for Eliza- beth City in 1629. and 1629-30.

Bruce, George, immigrant, was born in 1640, and settled in Rappahannock county, Virginia, before 1668. His will was proved

in 1715. and names children George, Charles.

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