Broadwater, Charles, was a Scotchman,
who located in Fairfax county, and named
his estate "Cameron," after the clan to
which he belonged. Me was a burgess in
the assembly in 1775 and member of the
conventions of .March 20, 1775, July 17,
1775, and of December i, 1775.
Brockenbrough, Colonel Austin, born November 3, 1738, son of William Brocken- brough, of Richmond county, was a lieu- tenant in Washington's First Virginia Regi- ment during the French and Indian war. At the beginning of the revolution he was a Tory, and went to England, where he re- mained till the end of the war. He was a man of large means. He married in 1761, Lucy, daughter of Colonel John Champe, of Lamb's Creek, King George county. He was a brother of Dr. John Brockenbrough (jf 'ra])pahann(>ck.
Brockenbrough, Dr. John, an eminent ]>hysician, son of William Brockenbrough, of Richmond county. He resided at Tappa- hannock, Virginia, was justice of Essex county, surgeon in the Virginia navy in the
Brodnax, Edward, son uf William Brod-
nax, of Jamestown, was one of the justices
(jt Charles City county in 1745. In 1748
he was elected a burgess, but died before
taking his seat, and Benjamin Harrison
succeeded him. He was grandfather of
General William Henry Brodnax (1786-
Brodnax, Major John, of Godmersham, in Kent county, England, was a cavalier officer who came to Virginia and died in 1657. He was great-uncle of William Brodnax (^q.
Brodnax, William, son of Robert Brod- nax, a goldsmith of London and a descend- ant of the Brodnaxes of Godmersham in Kent county, England, was born February 28, 1675, and married, soon after his ar- rival in Virginia, Rebecca, widow of Ed- ward Travis, of Jamestown. He represented Jamestown in the house of burgesses from 1722 to 1726, when he died leaving issue.
Bronaugh, William, son of Colonel Jere- miah Bronaugh and Simpha Rosa Enfield Mason, widow of John Dinwiddle (brother
revolution, married Sarah, daughter of Wil- of Governor Dinwiddle j and sister of the
licim Roane, of Essex, and was father of statesman, George Mason. He lived in Lou-
Dr. John Brockenbrough, president of the
bank of Virginia.
Brodhurst, Walter, was the son of Wil- liam Brodhurst, of Lilleshall in county Shallop. England. He settled in Northum- berland county and was a burgess for the comity in 1653. He died in 1659, leaving children Gerrard, Walter and Elizabeth, and widow Anne, who became the wife suc- cessively of Henry Brett, of Plymouth, England, and of John Washington, of W^est- moreland county, Virginia.
doun county, signed the W^estmoreland
county protest against the Stamp Act in
1765, and died in Loudoun county, where
his will dated March 24, 1796 was recorded
April 14, 1800. lie left issue.
Brooke, George, of "Pampatike," King and Queen county, was a son of Humphrey Brooke and Elizabeth Braxton, daughter of George Braxton, Sr. He was lieutenant- colonel of the King and Queen county mili- tia, and burgess from 1765 to 1775 and
member of the state conventions of 1774,