kins, widow of John W'atkins, of Surry
count}-, \ irginia, in 1655. He has descen-
dants in \'irginia.
Bridger, James, son of Col. William IJrid- ger. of "White Marsh," was burgess for Isle of Wight in 1758-1761, 1761-1765, 1766-1768; cc-roner of the county in 1768; then burgess hi 1769, 1770. 1772, 1773, 1774.
Bridger, Col. Joseph, of 'W hite Marsh," son of William IJridger, son of Col. William Bridger, of "White Marsh," Isle of Weight county, was burgess for the county in 1756, 1758-1761, 1762, 1763, sheriff in 1764. He married Mary Pierce, a sister of Thomas Pierce, member of the convention of 1788. He died in 1769 when his widow^ married Col. Josiah Parker of "^lacclesfield." Col. Brid- ger left a daughter Judith, who married Richard Baker, clerk of Isle of \\'ight c(iunt\' 1754 to 1770.
Bridger. Samuel, son of Col. Joseph Brid- ger of the council, w^as justice and lieuten- ant colonel of the militia of Isle of Wight county and burgess in 1705- 1706.
Bridger, Colonel William, of "White Marsh," son of Colonel Joseph Bridger, of the council, was born in Isle of Wight county, in 1678, married Elizabeth Allen, daughter of Major Arthur Allen, of Surry, was a burgess for Isle of \\'ight county, 1714. 1718 and 1720-22. His will was proved in Isle of Wight county November 23, 1730. He left a son \\'illiam. whose son Joseph, was a burgess, and a son James, who was also a burgess fq. v.).
Bridges, Charles, was an artist who came to \'irginia before 1735, and painted por- traits. In many families some of these por- traits are extant, and almost alwavs, in case
ui women, may be known by a luck uf hair
resting on the front of the shoulder. He
painted for the Byrds and Pages, and an
order in Caroline county shows that he
painted the King's arms to hang in the
county court.
Briggs, Gray, was a son of Howell Briggs, of Surry county, and a descendant of Henry l'>riggs, who came to Virginia before 1668. (iray Briggs represented Sussex county in the house of burgesses in 1756-1758. John Howell Briggs, who represented Surry in the convention of 1788, was his son and Elizabeth Briggs, who married Colonel Wil- liam Heth, of the Revolution, was his daughter.
Bristow, Robert, son of Robert Bristow. F.sq.. (jf Ayot, St. Lawrence, Hertfordshire. England, was born in 1643 and settled in \'irginia about 1660. In 1663 '^"^l the fol- lowing years he purchased various estates in the counties of Lancaster, Gloucester and Prince William. He resided in Gloucester <jnd as major of the militia took sides with Governor Berkeley in Bacon's rebellion. He incurred great losses from the rebels, and returning to England in i)77 became a merchant in London, and acquired a large fortune. He died in the parish of Fen- church, London, between 1700 and 1707. r)y his wife Avarilla, daughter of Major Thomas Curtis, of Gloucester county, Vir- ginia, he left an only son Robert P.ristow. wdio was associated with him in business and was M. P. for Winchelsea in the parlia- ment of 1698 and 1700. Robert Bristow. of Braxmore Park, the great-grandson of Rob- ert, first named, heired all the Virginia estates, but they were confiscated in 1776
h\ an act of the \'irginia legislature.