Braxton, George, Jr., son of Col. George
i'raxton, was a member of the house of
burgesses for King and Oueen county in
1758-1761, in which latter year he died, lie
married Mary, daughter of Col. Robert
Carter, and was the father of George Brax-
ton and Carter Braxton, the last a signer of
the Declaration of Independence.
Bray, James, son of James Bray, Esq., of the council, was justice of the peace from Jfmes City county, and member of the house of burgesses in 1688 and 1702. He married about 1697 Mourning, widow of Ihomas Pettus, of "Little Town," James City county. He died Nov. 25, 1725, leav- irig issue Thomas, James and Elizabeth.
Bray, Robert, justice of the peace for Lower Norfolk county, and lieutenant colo- nel of the militia. He was son of Edward Bray of Biggleswade, Bedfordshire. He died in 1681. He had a brother Plomer Bray, also resident of Lower Norfolk county.
Breman, Thomas, was a burgess of Glou- cester count}- in 1654.
Brent, George, a royalist, son of George Ijrent, of Gloucestershire, England, and Marianna Peyton, daughter of Sir John Pey- ton of Dodington, Cambridgeshire, came to Virginia about the year 1650, settled in Staf- ford county, and secured large grants of land, including the estates of Woodstock and Brenton. He was a Roman Catholic, and James H. granted him and his asso- ciates the free exercise of their religion. He was captain of the militia in 1675, agent for Lord Fairfax, a member of the house of burgesses for Stafford county in 1688, and a partner in the practice of the law with
W illiam Fitzhugh. On May 2, 1O83, he was
appointed recei\ er general north of the
Rappahannock. In 1688-89, ^vhen there was
a wild rumor of Catholics inciting Indian
uprisings, Capt. Brent, incurred many dan-
gers on account of his religion, but was pro-
tected by William Fitzhugh. He died about
1694. Pie married (first) a daughter of Wil-
ham Greene and niece of Sir W illiam Lay-
ton, and (second) a daughter of Col. Henry
Sewell, of Alary land, whose widow married
Lord Baltimore.
Brent, Giles, son of Richard Brent, Esq., of Gloucestershire, England, emigrated to Alaryland in 1637 and was followed by his brother Fulke and sisters Margaret and .Mary. In Maryland he filled the highest ofiftces, was a burgess in 1639, commander of Kent Island in 1640, member of the council in 1642, and in 1643 ^^^ ^"^'^^ appointed by Gov. Calvert as governor, lieutenant general and admiral, in his absence to England. Pie was a strong royalist. In 1645 he removed to Virginia where he patented large tracts of land in Staft'ord county, including the estates of ""Peace"' and "Richland." Pie
married (first) Mary ; and (second)
PVances Whitgreaves, widow of Dr. Jere- miah Harrison, and daughter of Thomas AVhitgreaves who saved the life of Charles II. at the battle of Worcester. Giles Brent died in 1 671.
Brent, Giles, son of Col. Giles Brent, of Maryland and Mrginia. and his wife I\Iary, was born in \'irginia about 1652. Under a commission from Nathaniel Bacon Jr., created general by the assembly in 1676, he raised a body of troops to march, against the Indians, but on learning that Bacon had
been denounced as a rebel by Gov. Berke-