cliildren, Ellyson Gurrie, a distinguished
huvyer of Lancaster county, who died in
Curtis, John, was a burgess from Lancas- ter county in the assembly of 1659-1660. ile \v as son of Major Thomas Curtis and Aver- illa, his wife.
Curtis, Rice, son of Rice Curtis, of Mid- dlesex county, was a magistrate of Spott- sylvania county, major in the militia, and luirgess in the assemblies of 1736- 1740, 174S- v49. 1 75-- 1 755- ^ 756- 1758- He resigned in 1756 to acce])t the office (^f sheriff. His will dated August 8, 1763, names son Rice, and (i.'iughters Alary \'"ass, Martha Pendleton, I'Jizaljeth Waller, Frances Carter and Jane Curtis.
Custis, Hancock, a burgess for Accomac county in 17 10- 171 2.
Dade, Francis, >(>n of William Dade, Fsci-, of Tannington, county Suffolk, England, came to Virginia about 1650. He was doubtless in\olved in some royalist plot, for lic was for many years, known as John Smith. He married liehethland r>ernard. daughter of Captain Thomas l>ernard, bur- gess for Warwick county. He died at sea in 1662. He was a major in the militia of Westmoreland county. His widow married Major Andrew (lilson.
Daingerfield, William, son of John 1 )ain- gerfield and Anne Walker, his wife, daugh- ter of Colonel John Walker, of the council. he was burgess for Essex county in 1718, 1723-1726. and 1727-1734. He married Elizabeth Bathurst, daughter of Lancelot r.athurst, attorney-at-law (q. v.). His will was proved in Essex county, November 18. 1735-
Daingerfield, William, Jr., son of William
I'aingerheld and Elizabeth Bathurst, his
wnfe, was burgess for Essex county in 1754,
1755 and 1756-1758. He married Apphia
h'auntleroy, daughter of Colonel Griffin
I'^auntleroy, of Northumberland county. He
died in Essex, April 29, 1769, "at an ad-
N anced age," and left issue.
Dalby, Thomas, \\as burgess from North- ampton count}- in the assembly of 1761- f765.
Dale, Edward, a royalist, came to Vir- ginia about 1650. His wife was Diana Skip- with, daughter of Sir Henry Skipwith, of Prestwould, iii Lancashire, England. Dale was justice of the peace for Lancaster cttunty, X'irginia, from 1669 to 1684; sheriff in 1670, 1671, 1679 and 1680; Inirgess in 1677 and 1682; major of militia in 1680; and clerk of the county from 1655 to 1674. He died February 2, 1695. His daughter Kath- erine married Captain Gliomas Carter, of Lancaster county.
Dandridge, Bartholomew, son of Colonel John Dandridge, of New Kent county, was born December 25, 1737, and died April 18, 1785. He represented New Kent county in the house of burgesses in 1772-1774 and 1775 -1776, and in the conventions of 1775 and of 1776. He was a member of the house of delegates and in 1778 was made judge of the general court. Brother of ^Mrs. ^^'ash- ington.
Dandridge, Colonel John, brother of Colo- nel W^illiam Dandride-e. of the council, was born in 1700, and came to \^irginia about 1722, when he had a grant of a water-front lot in Hampton, Elizabeth City county ;
clerk of New Kent county in 1747; married