the lujuse of l>urii:csscs in I'u^ ; was prob-
ably a near relative of Rev. William and
his son. the ptiet, (.'ra^haw.
Crawford (Craford, Crafford), William, was a burgess from Lower Norfolk in the assembly oi 1688, and from Norfolk in the assembly of 1696,, and in the session of November ih, r7i4, and in the assemblies of 1716, 1718. 1720-22. 1723-26, 1736-I/40, ?.nd 1742-1747
Crawley, Thomas, son of Robert and Margaret Crawley, was baptized in the par- ish of St. Margaret's, Bristol, August 27, 1637. He resided in Rappahannock county, Virginia, and left issue.
Crew, Randall, was a burgess from Upper Norfolk in the assemblies of 1639, and 1642- 43. and from Warwick in the assemblies of 1645, and 1646.
Crews, Captain James, of Turkey Island, Henrico county, was one of Nathaniel P)acon's most active friends. He was cap- tured by Sir William Berkeley, and hanged. As he never married, his property went to his nephew and niece in England, Matthew Crews, son of Francis Crews, deceased, and Sarah Whittingham, daughter of Edward Crews, deceased.
Cripps, Zachariah, came to Virginia in 1621. burgess for Warwick River, October, 1629, commissioned justice of Warwick River 163 1 : burgess for Stanley Hundred, 1632-33, and 1639; patented in 1628 100 acres at the end of Mulberry Island, adjoin- iiig the land of Gilbert Peppet, deceased.
Croshaw, Joseph, was justice of the peace of York county in 1655 ; and in subsequent years major of the militia ; and burgess for
York county in 1656, 1659, and 1660. His
estate in York county was called "Poplar
Neck." In 1687 Colonel John West and
L'nity his wife, daughter of Major Joseph
Croshaw, sold "Poplar Neck" to Edmund
Jennings, Esq., who called it "Ripon Hall,"
aft'ir Ripon in N'orksliire, whence he came.
Crump, Sergeant Thomas, was burgess for James City, l*Y>bruary, 1631-32, for Neck of Land. September, 1632. It is probable that he married Elizabeth, a daughter of Re\ . Richard Buck.
Culpeper, Captain Alexander, whose father lost "life, liberty and estate in the King's service" was appointed surveyor general of Virginia in 1672, and again in the first year of James II. He appears to h;.\e had an interest with Lord Ctllj)cper in the lands in the Northern Neck. He was bi other of Lady Frances IJerkeley, wife of Sir William Berkeley.
Curie, Nicholas, was son of Pasco Curie, of Elizabeth City county, and nephew of 'J'homas Curie, which last was born in St. Michael's parish, Lewes, county Sussex, England. November 24, 1640 and died in Elizabeth City county May 30, 1700. Nich- olas Curie was member of the house of bur- gesses in 1710-1712 and died August 15. 171 4. He w^as grandfather of William Ros- eow Wilson Curie.
Currie, David, a native of Scotland, came t(- \'irginia about 1743 and was minister of Lancaster county till his death in 1792. He came of a good family, and had doubtless received a university education. He mar- ried Elizabeth, daughter of Captain Ellyson Armistead, of York county, and Jane An-
derson, his wife, and had issue, with other