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immigrant to X'irgiiiia. was tobacco agent ni 1 714. and was l)nrgess for (Gloucester count} in the assembly of 1723-172^).

Cooke, John, came from \'oughall in the county of L'ork. Ireland, and settled in Overwharton parish, Stafford county. \'ir- ginia. early in the eighteenth century, lie married Elizabeth Travers, daughter of Raleigh Travers and his wife. Hannah Ball, half sister of .Mary I'.all. mother of Wash- ington. He had issue, a son, Traverse, and three daughters Ann. Hannah and jMillion.

Cooke, Moidecai, ancestor of a well- known family in N'irginia. j^atented October 2. i(>50. 1.174 acres in Mobjack 15ay. which Ik called "Alordecai's Mount." He had issue Mordecai, Thomas, Giles, John, Mary mar- ried Thomas Booth ; Frances married Gab- riel Throckmorton, and Susannah married Henry Fitzhugh. He used the same arms as the Cookes of Whitefield, county Suffolk, England. (See Descendants of Mordecai L'ooke of Mordecai's Alount," Gloucester county. \'irginia. by Dr. William Garter Slubbs).

Cooke, Mordecai, Jr., son of Mordecai Gooke, {)atented land in 1703, was sheriff' of (jloucester county in 1703 and burgess in 1696, 1699, 1700-1702 and 1712-1714.

Cooper, Sampson, o\ Ripon. Yorkshire. I'^ngland, alderman, had extensixe dealings with Virginia and Alaryland, died in Xorth- uml)erland county in 1659, and was buried at Golonel John Trussell's. lie directed that liis son Samuel should be sent back to Eng- kiud and bound out to Samuel Goke, silk- man in London. To son Jonathan, meadow- land at Maidstone in Kent; wdfe Bridget.

Copeland, John, a Ouaker, who sullered much at the hands of the New England I'uritans. When Thomas Story, the Ouaker, visited him in Isle of Wight county in 1699, he showed him his right ear mutilated by the I'uritans.

Cooper, George, a justice of Northumber- hmd county, colonel of the militia, and bur- gess in 1692, 1699 and 1700-1702. His will dated November 13, 1708, was proved July 18, 171 1. Made liberal gifts of land to the churches of his county and for the support of the aged and needful ui St. Stephen's parish.

Corbin, Gawin, of Middlesex county, son of Henry Gorbin. of the colonial council, was na\ al officer of the Rappahannock in 1705. He was burgess for Middlesex county in 1698, 1699, 1700-1702, 1703-1705, 1718-1720 and for King and Queen county in 1715. ile was county lieutenant. He married three times: (first) Gatherine Wor- meley ; (second) Jane Lane, widow of Wil- lis \\ilson of Elizabeth Gity county, and daughter of John Lane of King and Queen, and (third) Martha Bassett. He died Jan- uary I, 1745, and was father (jf: I. Richard Gorbin. of "Laneville." 2. |ohn Gorbin. of "Portobago," Essex county. 3. Gawin Cor- l)in. of "Pecatone."

Corbin, Gawin, son of Gawin Gorbin and Jane Lane, his wufe. lived at "Pekatone," Westmoreland county, and at "Laneville." King and Queen county. He was burgess for King and Queen county in 1736- 1740 and for Middlesex county in 1742-1747. He mar- ried Hannah Lee, daughter of Thomas Lee, of "Stratford." W^estmoreland county, Vir- ginia, and his will was proved in W'estmore-

land county January 29, 17(10.

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