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Coles, John, a native of Enniscorthy, Ire-
land, was a merchant of Henrico, Vir-
ginia, where he accumulated a large estate.
His will was proved in Henrico. March,
1748. and his legatees were his wife Mary,
sons Walter. Isaac and John, and brother
William. Among his descendants were Ed-
ward Coles, governor of Illinois, and Isaac
and Walter Coles, members of congress
from \'irginia.
Coles, Walter, son of John Coles, a mer- chant of Richmond, who emigrated from "Enniscorthy,"" Ireland, by his wife Alary, daughter of Isaac Winston, of Hanover county, Virginia, was born November 14. 1739, in Hanover county ; was colonel of the militia and burgess for Halifax county in 1765. 1766-1769 and 1769-1771. He married, I'ebruary 28, 1767, Mildred Lightfoot. daughter of William Lightfoot and his wife. Mildred Howell. He died in Halifax county, November 7, 1780.
Collier, Isaac, came to Virginia about 1660 and settled in York county. He mar- ried a sister of Edward and John Lockey, two London merchants, the former of whom settled in York county and died without issue. Isaac Collier died in 1671.
Collier, Samuel, was a boy who came in the First Supply in January, 1608. He was shortly after left by John Smith with the Warascoyack Indians to learn their lan- guage. He became useful as an interpreter. In 1622 he was living at Elizabeth, where he Avas killed accidentally by a sentinel.
Collier, William, citizen and weaver of London, came to York county in 1670, and finally settled in New Kent county, where iri 1675 he was lieutenant-colonel of the
militia. From hmi descended a numerous
offspring in King William, New Kent and
Charles City counties.
Colston, William, son of a great merchant and warm royalist, \\'illiam Colston, sheriff of Bristol ; came to \'irginia about the mid- dle of the seventeenth century. He had a son William who married Anne Gooch, widow of Ca]>tain Thomas Beale, and was a burgess in 1692 and 1699. The family is numerously represented.
Comrie, Dr. William, resided in Henrico county in 1739. His wife was ^^largaret Baintone, daughter of Josias Baintone, one ot the six clerks in chancery in England, and niece of Thomas Pratt, one of the masters in chancery.
Coney, Henry, gentleman, lived at "Coney borough,"' and was a burgess for Archer"s Hope and the (ilebe Land in 1629-30, 1632 and 1632-33.
Conway, Edwin, son of Edwin Conway and Sarah Walker, daughter of Lieutenant- Colonel John Walker, was born in 1682, was lieutenant-colonel of the militia of Lancas- ter county and a burgess from 1710 to 1758; \estryman of Christ Church and St. Mary's White Chapel. He died October 3, 1763, having issue, Peter and other children.
Conway, Major Peter, was the son of Colonel Edwin Conway and his wife, Anne Ball. He married (first) Elizabeth Spann, of Northumberland; (second) Elizabeth I ee. of the same county. He was a justice of Lancaster county in 1742; burgess from I ancaster in the assembly of 1748-1749. He died in 1753.
Cooke, Giles, son of Mordecai Cooke, the