and 1729 and married a daughter of Philip
Whitehead, of the same county.
Clapham, Josias, burgess for Loudoun county to succeed James Hamilton in 1774 at the last session of the assembly of 1772- 1774; burgess in the assembly of I775-I776, and in the conventions of 1774- 1775 ^.nd 1776.
Clarke, John, son of Sir John Clarke, of Wrotham, in Kent county, England, lived for a time at Middle Plantation, and died about 1644.
Clause (Close), Phettiplace, came to Vir- ginia in 1608; in 1624 was living at Pace's Paines ; in 1619 and in 1626 patented land on W'arwicksqueak river (Pagan creek) ; was burgess for Mulberry Island, October, 1629, and for "From Denbigh to Waters' Creek" ill 1632.
Clay, John, an ancient planter, came to Virginia in 1613 and his wife xAnn in 1623. He patented lands in 1635 on Ward's creek, in what is now Prince George county.
Clayton, Rev. John, was minister at James- town from 1684 to 1686. He returned to England, and in May, 1688, was minister of Crofton, at Wakefield, in Yorkshire. He was a member of the Royal Society, and contributed some valuable papers on Vir- ginia, which were published in the "Trans- actions."
Clayton, John, son of John Clayton, the attorney-general of Virginia, was born at Fulham, England, in 1685, and died in Glou- cester county, Virginia, December 15, 1773. He came to Virginia with his father in 1705 ; was an eminent botanist; member of some of the most learned societies of Europe ;
president of the Virginia Society for Pro-
moting Useful Knowledge, 1773, and author
of "Flora Virginica." He was for fifty
years clerk of Gloucester county, and had a
botanical garden at his estate, "Windsor,"
in that county. He married, January 2,
1723, Elizabeth Whiting, of Gloucester. He
had several sons — Captain Jasper Clayton,
of Gloucester county ; Arthur Clayton, clerk
of one of the "upper counties," and it is be-
lieved Colonel William Clayton, of New
Kent county.
Clayton, John, was son of Sir John Clay- t(.)n, of London and Parson's Green, Fulham, Middlesex county, England, and of the Inner Temple, who was knighted 1664, and his wife Alice, daughter of Sir William Bowyer, of Denham, Bucks, baronet. He was brother of Lieutenant-General Jasper Clay- ton, of the British army, who was killed at Dettingen in 1743. His grandfather was Sir Jasper Clayton, of St. Edmunds, Lombard Manor, who was knighted at Guildhall, July 5, 1660. He w^as born in 1665; studied at one of the universities of England ; was ad- mitted to the Inner Temple, June 6, 1682; was called to the bar, and coming to Vir- ginia in 1705, was appointed attorney-gen- eral of the colony in 1714. In 1724 he was also appointed judge of the admiralty court. He represented James City county in the house of burgesses in 1720-22, 1723-26, 1727- 28 ; recorder of Williamsburg from 1723. He died November 18, 1737. He was father ot John Clayton, the botanist.
Clayton, Jasper, son of John Clayton, the botanist, resided at "Windsor," on the Panketank river, and was clerk of the county committee of safety of Gloucester
county in 1725. He married Courtney,