sity of Edinl)urg-h in 1685 ; came to Virginia
about 1690; was a burgess for Jamestown
in 1718 and 1732-1734; and for James City-
county in 1720-1722, 1723-1726; major of
the Ycjrk county militia in 1728 and one of
the justices ; died about 1734. He married
three times, and by a first wife was father
ot John Blair (1687-1771), president of the
Virginia council.
Blake, Capt. John, appears as Capt. Blake on the list of the burgesses in the assembly of 1655-56 from Xansemond county. He was a burgess from that county in the ses- sion of Oct., 1666.
Blakiston, Nathaniel, grandson of John niakiston, one of the regicide judges and bclonding to a family, several of whom emi- grated to Maryland, was governor of that colony 1 698- 1 701. On his return to Eng- land he became agent for Maryland and in 1706 was appointed by the Virginia coun- cil agent for X'irginia. See "Maryland His- torical Magazine" ii. 54, 172. for a gene- alogy of the Blakiston family.
Bland, Edward, son of John Bland, an eminent merchant of London, emigrated to X'irginia where he was agent for his brother J<»hn Uland, who had large estates in \^ir- ginia. In 1649 'i€> took part in an explor- ir.g expedition to the westward. He mar- ried Jane, daughter of his uncle Gregory IJland, and died about 1653. His w^idow married (secondly) John Holmwood. of Charles City county. Edward Bland left issue a son Edward of •'l\ymage«," in Charles City county, Virginia.
Bland, Giles, son of John Bland, an emi- nent merchant of London, went to \'irginia to manage his father's plantations there in
1674; quarreled with the secretary of state,
Thomas Ludwell. and was fined by the gen-
eral assembly ; appointed collector of the
custo!ns, took part with Xathaniel Bacon
Jr., in 1676. was captured by Philip Lud-
well in Accomac, and hanged.
Bland, Peregrine, was a burgess for Charles river (York) county in 1639.
Bland, Richard, son of Theodorick Bland of the council and Anna Bennett, his wife, ! was born at Berkeley, James river, Aug. j II, 1665. He resided at Jordan's Point and j represented Charles City county, then in- ! eluding the present Prince George, in 1700- | 1702 and 1 703- 1 705 and Prince George in j 1706. He died at Jordan's April 6, 1729. He i niarried (first) Mary, daughter of Col. ; Thomas Swan of the council, and (second) \ Elizabeth, daughter of Col. William Ran- ' dolph, of Turkey Island. By the Last wife he was father of the distinguished revolu- tionary patriot of the same name. 1
Bland, Theodorick, St., of Cawson's. Prince (ieorge county, was born Dec. 2, 1708, was colonel of the Prince George I militia, and long clerk of the county. He married (first) in 1739, Prances, daughter 1 and heiress of Drury Boiling of Prince (jeorge county: and (secondly) Elizabeth, widow of Rev. AA'illiam Yates and daughter of Edward Randolph. By his first marriage lic- had Col. I'heodorick TUand of the revolu- tion.
Blayton, Thomas, was a very acti\e pro- moter of the disturbances in Virginia known as "Bacon's Rebellion." He took a promi- nent part in the assembly called under 1 Bacon's authority in June, 1676, and was I
also a member of Ingram's assembly called