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coast in terror, till Alcxaiulcr Spotswood stnt an armed sloop against him under Capt. Henry Alaynard. who surprisetl him in Pam- lico Sound and killed him Xo\-. 21, ijicS. in a hand to hand hi^ht. The survivors of the I)irate's crew were hanged at Williamsburg. -A few years later Alaynard himself sulTered a sudden death at the hand of two negro sla\es in Prince tieorge count}-.

Blackburn, Richard, born in 1706 at Rip- on in Yorkshire. l\ngland. settled in Prince William count}', which he represented in the general assend)!}- 1745, 1746 and 1747 lie acquired a \'ery large estate as planter and contractor. He married Alary Watts. and was father of Alice Blackburn, who married Col. Thomas Elzey of Loudoun county, and of Thomas Blackburn, lieuten- ant colonel of the Second A'irginia Regiment in the war of the revolution. He died July 5. 1757. in the fifty-second year of his age, and was buried at his estate "Ripon Lodge." near Dumfries. Prince AA'illiam county.

Blackburn, Thomas, son of Col. Richard Blackburn, of "Ripon Lodge," Prince Wil- liam county, was born in 1740, was burgess for Prince William in the j^lace of Foushee Tebbs at the third session of the assembly of 1772-1774 and in the assembly of 1775- 1776, and was a member of the Aiarch and July conventions. He was afterwards lieu- tenant colonel of the Second Virginia Regi- ment and aide to Gen. Washington. He married Christian Scott, daughter of Rev. Jcimes "^cott. and died alxnit 1804.

Blackburn, Capt. William, was born at New Castle on Tyne in Great I'ritain, Sept.

17. 1653, resided in Abingdon parish, Glou- cester county, ATrginia. and died there Oct.

18, 1 714 (tombstone). He was probably

father of Cajjt. W illiam lUackburn of the adjoining county of Aliddlesex, who was burgess in 1715. He died in 1738.

Blacke, William, was a burgess from Xew Kent count}- in the general assembly of Aiarch 1. 165S-59, l)eing the sole represen- t;iti\e of the county in that session.

Blackwell, Joseph, son of Samuel lUack- well of Xorthumberland county, was born July 9, 1715. He moved to Prince W illiam count}-, which he represented in the house of burgesses from 1749 to 1755. He married Lucy Steptoe, daughter of lapt. John .Step- toe, and left issue named in his will proved in 1-^auquier county. 1787. He was a grand- son (jf Joseph Blackwell, a matriculate of Trinity College, Oxford, in 1658, who emi- giated to N'irginia.

Blackwell, Samuel, son of Samuel IJlack- A\ell, was born in Xorthumberland county Jan. 19. 1710. and was a member of the house of burgesses in 1742-1747. He was brother of Joseph lilackwell ( cj. v.).

Blacky, William, was a Inirgess from Xew Kent county in the generrd assembly of i^\S7"58. that convened Aiarch 13th. He is evidently the William Blacke, burgess from Xew Kent in the succeeding sessions of i^>58-59-

Blagrave, Henry, was apparently a de- scendant of Dr. Henry Blagrave who ap- pears in the A'ork count}-, A'irginia, records about 1660. ddie sul)ject of this sketch was a burgess of Lunenl)erg county from 1761 to 1772.

Blair, Dr. Archibald, brother of Dr. James Blair, president of William and Alary Col-

lege, was born in Scotland : at the Univer-

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