1 86
in 1705 and a second edition in 1722. He
married Ursula, daughter of Col. William
r.yrd, of Westover.
Beverly, William, son of Robert Bever- ley, the historian, was born about 1698, lived at ■■niandheld." Essex county, which he built and which still remains in the i)OS- scssion of the family. He was clerk of Essex county from 1716 to 1745, burgess for Orange county 1734- 1740 and for Essex 1 742- 1 747 and 1 748- 1 749. With Sir John kand(>l])h, Richard Randolph and John Rob- inson, he (obtained on Sept. 6, 1636, a grant of 1 18,490 acres called "Beverley Manor," in Augusta county, though he had the chief interest. lie married Elizabeth Bland, (I'orn May 29, 1706) daughter of Richard r.land (if ""Jordan's," Prince George county, and died on or before 1766.
Bertrand, Rev. John, succeeded Rev. Ben- jamin Doggett as minister jji Lancaster coun.ty and died in 1701.
Bibb, William, was a Inirgess for Prince i'dward county, and a member of the con- ventions of Jul\- and Dec. 1775.
Bird, Abraham, came from Pennsylvania and settled in the valley of Virginia, was burgess for the county of Dunmore (later Shenandoah) at the last session under the regal government, and member of the con- vention of May 6. 1776. He was frequently a member C)f the state legislature and was a colonel of militia.
Bickley, Sir William, son of Joseph Pdck- k}'. of King and Oueen county, Virginia, who came to A'^irginia al)out 1700. He re- sided in Hanover county, and in 1752 on the death in England of his uncle Sir Hum- phrey Bickley. baronet, succeeded to the
baronetcy as sixth baronet. Sir William
Bickley died in Hanover county, Sept. 3,
1 77 1, leaving issue.
Bigge, Richard, was a Inirgess in the gen- eral assembly of 1623-24, which assembled March 5, 1623-24.
Bill, John, was a burgess from Prince William county in the assembly of 1756- 58; and again was a. burgess from i'auciuier county in the assembly of 1760-1761.
Bird, William, was a burgess from King and Uueeii c(mnty. elected to succeed Wil- liam Leigh, deceased, for the session of the general assembly beginning April 20. 1704. He w^as again a member of the session of Nov. 16, 1 7 14.
Bishop, Henry, of Henfield, county Sus- sex. England, came to X'irginia in 16.4.0, when he patented 1,200 acres on Lower C hippekes creek, in what is now Surry county. He returned to h^ngland and was a colonel in the army of Charles 1. He was in A'irginia again before March 17. 1646, when the house of l)urgesses sent a letter |jy him to England. He was in- the colony once more a few }ears later, but in 1660 he again went back, and was made by Charles II. postmaster general of England. He was charged, however, with consorting too freely with the Puritans during the days of the commonwealth, and in 1663 Daniel Neale was appointed his successor as post- master general.
Bishop, John, was a burgess for Charles City county in 1644, 1652 and 1653. He was captain of the militia.
Blackheard, a celebrated pirate, whose
real name was Edward Teach. He kept the