\\ith Po\vhatan"s '■\\'ert)\vocc)in()co." where
Pocahontas saved John Smith. lie wais
ancestor of. the P.ernard family of \'ir$a^inia.
Bernarcl, (Barnett) Capt. Thomas, was an early settler in the present Warwick county. He was burgess for Stanle\' Ilundred in i(^T,2 and for W arwick river in 1(^41, i()42. 1644 and 1645. ^^^^ daughter. I'.ehethland. married ]\Iaj. Francis Dade.
Bernard, William, was a son of Richard Pernard. of St. Paul's parish, Stafford county, and grandson of the immigrant, Richard Bernard, of liuckinghamshire, h-ug- land ; was born Sept. 6. 1730, and ])racticed law in Westmoreland county. Pie was an altorne\-at-law and President Monroe stud- ied law in his office. Pie married W inifred 1 hornton, daughter of Anthony Thornton and \\'inifred, his wife, daughter of Col. i'cter Presley. William I'.ernard's will was j.roved in King ( ieorge county May i. 1783.
Berry, Sir John, second son of a clergy- man of Kunaton in Devonshire. England, who lost his life in the civil war in England between parliament and the King. Sir John entered the navy and served against the pirates and the French. He was promoted to the rank of captain and in 1672 took part in the battle of Solebay. where he rescued the Duke of York, whose ship was hard pressed. For this aid he was knighted b\- the King. In 1676 he was sent as admiral of the fleet, which brought a regiment over to \'ir- ginia to suppress Bacon's rebellion. He was joined in commission with Col. Flerbert Jef- fryes and Maj. Francis Moryson to en- quire into and report upon the \'irginia dis- turbances. On his return he served in the Mediterranean till 1680. In 1682 he com- manded the "(iloucester," in wdiich the
Duke of York took passage to Scotland.
The shi]) was wrecked and Perry was the
last to leaxe the deck. In i()83 he was vice-
admiral of the squadron under Lord Dart-
mouth sent to dismantle Tangier, and on
his return he was appointed one of the com-
missiiMiers of the navy. He died shortly
before March 22, 1689-90. "A'irginia Maga-
zine"" iii. p. 47.
Beverley, Capt. Harry, was son of Maj. Robert Peverley, was a justice of Middle- sex in 1700 and surveyor of King and Queen and King William counties 1702-1714. In 1713 he helped the X'irginia commissioners lo survey the line l)etwcen North Carolina aiul X'irgmia. In 1716 Spotswood sent him in command of a vessel to search for pirates. Sj)anish wrecks, etc. He was taken by a Spanish man-of-war and kei)t seven months ill imprisonnicnt with(~>ut a trial, lie es- ca])ed Irom \'era Cruz and reached X'irginia l)efore Aug.. 17 17. He removed to Spotsyl- \ania count}-, about 1720 and was for a i.nm])er of years presiding justice of that county. He died in 1730, having married <'d)out 1700 Elizabeth, daughter and heiress of Cen. Robert Smith, of Ih-andon. Middle- >ex countv.
Beverley, Robert, df ■"Pexcrle} Park." King and Oueen count}', the eldest son of Aiaj. Robert P)e\'erley. was clerk of the council in 1697 and clerk of King and (Jueen county (1699-1702). member of the house of burgesses in 1699. 1700. 1702. 1706 for Jamestown, where he had a lot near the state house ; was one of the knights of the horseshoe, who went with Spotswood across the Blue Ridge in 1718; presiding justice of King and Queen. 1718. His "His-
tor}- of Virginia" was published in London