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born ill 1012 and died in li^Sj. lca\ ing two sons John and lames from, whom the pres- ent family in \ ir,i,'-inia is descended.

Bayley, Arthur, was a Inir^ess from Hen- rico county. K '42-43. lie was a merchant of London and patented a lot in Jamestown Island, 1642. He appears to have returned to England and probably died there. In 1654 a warrant was issued to him and others, requiring- tb.e commissioners of customs to permit him and others. ])art owners of cer- t.'iin ships, "all bound on a voyage to \"ir- ginia" to transport thither in each ship 120 dozen of shoes, six barrels of gunpowder and one ton of shot, paying custom and other duties thereon. On Aug. 3, 1658, he signed with others, a "petition of the mer- cl-ants and traders to \'irginia and the rest o: the English Plantations in America to His Highness' Privy council," praying for the enforcement of the laws "for suppress- ing the ])lanting of English tobacco."

Bayley, Richard, was a burgess from Ac- ccjmac in i(;g'j-g/. In a list of field officers of the Virginia militia in 1699, Charles Scar- borough is named as colonel and comman- der-in-chief of Accomac, and Richard Bay- ley as major. He was descended from Richard Bayley, of Craddock, in England.

Bayley, William, was born in 15S3 and came to \ irginia in 1617. In 1624 he lived at \\'est Shirley Hundred. He had a son Thomas, Avho patented 150 acres in Prince (.eorge county, on Bayley 's Creek. In 1626 Temperance Bailey had 200 acres on this creek and she was probal)ly the mother of Thomas Bailey.

Baylis, John, was a burgess from Prince A\'illiam county. Xov., 1761. and contin-

uously thenceforward to Sept., 1765. Irlis ser\ice in the general assembly was cut .short by his death Sept. 4, 1765, in a duel with Cuthbert Bullitt. He was colonel in the county militia. His will was dated Oct. 22. 17^)4. was ]jro\ed Oct. 9, 1765, and re- corded in Prince William county.

Baylor, John, son of John Baylor, was born in i<'i50 at Tiverton. Devonshire, Eng- land, came To (doucester count}'. X'irginia, ill the latter p;irt of the seventeenth century, and acc|uired a large estate by extensive trade as merchant. He was burgess for Gloucester in 1692. and King and Queen 1718. He married Lucy Todd O'ljrien. of New Kent, in 1698, and at his death left a large estate appraised at £6,500.

Baylor, John, son of John Baylor and Luc}-. his wife, was born in Gloucester county, A^irginia, May 12, 1705. He moved in 1726 to "Xew Market," King and Oueen C(;unty. and when Caroline county was formed in 1727, from King and Oueen, "New ]\Iarket" fell into that county. He was county lieutenant for Caroline in 1752, and represented it as burgess from 1742 to 1765. He married Erances \\'alker, daugh- ter of Jacob Walker, of Elizabeth City count}-, a k1 was father of Col. George Bay- lor, of the re\olution.

Baynham, Alexander, was a burgess from Westmoreland county in 1654, and in 1655 was one of the justices and captain of the county militia He died in 1662, leaving a (laughter Anne.

Baytop, Thomas, merchant, emigrated from Stai)lehurst. Kent, England, in 1679, and by his wife Ilanna had a son Thomas,

who married a daughter of Dr. David Alex-

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