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Baughan, Capt. James, was a burgess for
Essex county in 1698, 1702-03, 1704. He
was also justice and sheriff for the county.
He married Mary, daughter of Richard Tyler.
Bates, John, was a burgess from Halifax county, Xov., 1753 to 1758. He was son of John Hates and Susannah Fleming, of Yc^rk county, Quakers, and descended from John Bates (born 1600 — died 1666), an early im- roigrant to \'irg;nia. He died in Halifax coimty about 1777, leaving issue David, l-.lizabeth. John. James, Fleming and Sus- cinna and a \vifc surviving named Chloe.
Bathurst, Lancelot, was son of Sir Ed- ward llathurst, of .Sussex county, England, Avhose estates were sequestered on account of his loyalty to Charles I. Lancelot Ba- thurst lived in Essex county, and was a law'- yer. He had four children: Mary, married Francis Meriwether; Lawrence, who died about 1705 without issue; Elizabeth, mar- ried (first) William Tomlin, and (second) in 1709, William Daingerfield ; Susanna mar- ried Drury Stith.
Battaile, Capt. John, of Rappahannock, afterwards Essex county, was a captain of a company of rangers in service against the Indians in 1692, member of the house of burgesses from Essex the same year. Fle married i-21izabeth, daughter of Col. Law- rence Smith, and his will dated Jan. 24, 1 707-1708 was recorded Feb., 1707-1708.
Batte, Capt. Henry, son of Cai)t. John iiatte, a royalist officer, was a resident of tlie Appomattox river, and it is said by Robert Beverley that sometime before Ba- con's rebellion he led a company to explore the country to the west and passed the mountains. Iri 1685 he represented Charles
City county in the house of burgesses. He
left two sons, Henry and William.
Batte, John, was a royalist officer in the civil war in F'-ngland. He was fined ^364, and is said to have been a captain at the battle of Adwalton. He was of Okewell, county York, England. Idis wdfe was Alar- tlia Alallory, sister of Rev. Philip Alallory. He came with his sons John, William, Thomas and Henry to Virginia and brought over many others. He patented over 5.000 acres on Appomattox river. He died about 1668.
Batte, Thomas, son of Capt. John Batte, a royalist officer, settled w'ith his brother Henry on Appomattox river. In 1671 he was with Robert F^alland, Thomas Wood and several others sent out by Gen. Abra- ham Wood to explore the w-estern country. He appears to have proceeded as far as the New river in Southwest Virginia.
Batte, William, patented in 1643 --^ acres on Mobjack F!ay and in 1649, 182 acres on Chipokes Creek in James City county. Soon after Surry county was formed from James City county, he represented it' in 1654 in the house of burgesses. In 1658 he repre- sented Elizabeth City county. He was a son of Robert Batte and Elizabeth Parry, his wife, of Okewell. county York. Eng- land, and a brother of Capt. John Batte. His father w^as fellow and vicar master of L'ni\ersity College, Oxford.
Baugh, John, was a burgess from Hen- rico in the assembly that convened Jan. 12, 1641 ; and again from the same county in the assembly that convened Feb. 17, 1644- 45. He was probably brother of Mr. Wil-
liam Baugh, of the same county, who was