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Banister, John, was a minister of the Church of England, and Hved in Charles City county as early as ihyS. He had grants of land in Bristol ]xu-ish in ihyo. lie was accidentally killed in Henrico county in 1692. He had travelled in the West Indies and was a natural- ist and entomologist. He compiled a cata- logue of \'irginia plants, which is published in Ray's "Ilistoria Plantarum." He published various papers in the "Philosophical Transac- tions." Among them were "Observations on the Natural Productions of Jamaica," "Insects of \'irginia." '"Curiosities in Virginia," "On Several Sorts of Snails," "Descriptions of the Snake Root." etc.

Banister, John, son of Rev. John Banister, lived at Petersburg and w^as collector for Upper James river in 1724, and vestryman of Bristol parish in 1735. He married Wilmette , and had issue: i. Martha, who mar- ried Robert Boiling, of "Bollingbrook." Peters- burg. 2. Col. John, of Battersea. Dinwiddle count}-.

Bankhead, James, was an early jjhysician of \\'estmoreland county, and married Ellinor Monroe, aunt of President James Monroe, on Aug. 20, 1738. His son was James Bankhead, a lieutenant in the naval service of the Amer- ican revolution. This lad was father of Gen. James Bankhead. of the United States army, and an attache of Mr. Monroe when United States envoy in France and England.

Banks, Thomas, -on of Thomas Banks and Doroth}', his wife, was born at Woodstock, Wiltshire, England, in 1642, and after serving an apprenticeship of seven years in Southamp- ton came to \'irginia and settled in Northum- berland county. He married Elizabeth, relict of William Keene. and daughter of Maj. John

Rogers. He was a prominent merchant. Pie died Sept. 20, 1697.

Barber, Charles, was burgess from Rich- montl in the assemblies of 1720-22 and of 1723-26. He qualified in 1713 as a lieutenant- colonel in the militia of Richmond county. He died on Nov. 24, 1726. He was son of William P)arber, of Richmond county, and wa> horn June 19, 1676.

Barber, Thomas, son of William Barber ((1. v.), was horn in 1653, lived in Hampton parish, York county; was burgess in 1680, 1693. 1696, 1 700- 1 702, 1703-1705 and 1705- 1706; justice of the peace from 1678, and in 1717 excused from further attendance on the court because of infirmities. He was captain of the militia and died in 1718, leaving issue by Elizabeth Betters — William Jr. (q. v.) and Thomas Barber.

Barber, William, Jr., son of Capt. Thomas Barber (q. v.), was born about 1675; ^^'^s churchwarden of Hamjjton parish. York count}-; justice of the peace from 1705; major of the militia, and burgess from 17 10 to 1718 inclusive. He married (first) Judith Cary, daughter of Henry Cary; (second) Anne Archer, daughter of Capt. James Archer, who came as ensign to Virginia in the regiment sent over to put down Bacon's rebellion ; I third ) Anna Maria Jones, widow of Capt. William Timson and daughter of Rev. Row- land Jones.

Barber, William, was born about 1642, came to \'irginia before 1638, and' carried on the trade of a cooper in York county; justice of the peace as early as 1652; burgess in 1663 and 1666, and lieutenant-colonel in 1655. He

died in 1669, leaving issue — Thomas (q. v.),

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