Baker, Henry, of Xansemond, was son and
heir of Lieut. -Col. Henry Baker, of Isle of
Wight county. He was member of the house
of burgesses for Xansemond in 1723-1726. He
left a son Lawrence Ijaker.
Baker, Henry, of Isle of Wight county, was a merchant and planter living there as early as 1676. He w'as a justice of the peace and lieutenant-colonel of the militia; burgess for the county in 1692-93. His will dated June 10, 1707 was proved July 28, 171 2. He was father of Henry Baker, of Xansemond, and of James, Lawrence and William Baker, of Isle of Weight county.
Baker, Capt. Lawrence, of Surry county, was a justice of Surry from 1652 to his death 1681. He was also a member of the house of burgesses from 1666 to 1676. His will was dated March 18, 1681 and was proved Sept. 6, 1681, and by it he left his whole estate to his wife Elizabeth, and to his daughter Catherine, wife of Arthur Allen of Surry county. He was a kinsman of Lieut. -Col. Henry l'>akcr, of Isle of Wight county.
Baker, Richard, son of Lawrence Baker, of Isle of Wight county, and grandson of Lieut. - Col. Henry Baker, was vestryman of the upper parish, Isle of Weight county, in 1747, burgess in 1768 and 1769, and clerk of the county. He died in 1771, leaving a son Judge Richard H. Baker.
Baker, Thomas, burgess for a county not named, in 1702.
Baldry, Robert, was burgess from York county, in the session of 1659-1660. He was born in 1617, came to \^irginia in 1635, was ajipointed justice of the peace for York county in 1661, was captain of the militia, and died
in 1675 ; left his estate to the children of Cai)t.
Thomas Ballard, of the council.
Baldridge, Thomas, represented Xorthum- berland county in the house of burgesses in 165 1. The Baldridges are a prominent Mary- land family. The W^estmoreland county ( X'irginia ) records contain a "Deed of James Baldridge, administrator of my late brother. Major Thomas Baldridge, 1656." Grace Bald- ridge, widow of Maj. Thomas Baldridge. mar- ried John Tew, of Westmoreland.
Ball, George, son of Capt. George Ball, was burgess for Northumberland in the assembly of May, 1769. He was justice, vestryman, cap- tain, married in 1736. Anne Taylor and died in 1770.
Ball, George, son of Capt. William Ball Jr., (born in England June 2, 1641 ; died in Lancaster county. \'irginia, Sept. 30, 1694J was born about 1683; captain of militia: re- sided in W^icomico, X'^orthumberland county, which he represented in the assembly .of 1723- 1726, 1 727- 1 734, 1 734- 1 740. He died in 1746. and names in his will sons George, John, David, Richard, Joseph, and daughter Harris Downman.
Ball, Henry, burgess for Elizabeth City in 1646. Richard Ball in 1627 leased six acres in Elizabeth City.
Ball, Col. James, Jr., commonly called "The Young Colonel"' of "Bewdley," Lancaster county, was the son of Maj. James Ball and his second wife, Mary Conway Daingerfield. He was born Dec. 31, 1718. He married (first)
(this marriage is recorded in the
charts, but the name is not given) ; (second)
Mildred , whose family name is not
known; (third) in 1753, Lettice Lee, daugh-
ter of Richard Lee and his wife ]\Iiss Silk.