was born in 1744. lie was educated at ICaton
and the L'niversity of Cambridge, and became
a finished scholar with tastes which ran rather
to literature than to public life. From the
great wealth and political influence of his
family, however, it was almost a matter of
course that he be called to a high office in the
government of the colony, and accordingly we
find him shortly before the revolution occupy-
ing a seat in the council to which he was ap-
pointed in June, 1771. Though apparently op-
posed to the measures of the English govern-
ment in taxing Americans, he was yet stead-
fastly loyal, and throughout the revolutionary
period suffered the cnnsec|uences of liis devo-
tion to the crown. He wrote, unfortunately
for himself a letter expressing disapproval of
the steps which the patriots were taking and
was obliged to give bond not to leave his
father's estate until permitted. After the war,
notwithstanding the strong feeling against
British sympathizers existing in \*irginia, the
high character and large estate of Ralph
W'ormeley soon restored his influence. He was
a member of the convention of 1788, was
sherilT in 1794 and 1795 and a member of the
house of delegates in 1787, 1789, 1790 and
1793. His death occurred Jan. 19, 1806.
Camm, John, the last colonial president of William and Mary College, was the son of Thomas Camm. of Hornsea, England, and was born there in 17 18. When a boy he went to school in Beverley. Yorkshire, England, and at twenty years of age, matriculated at Trin- ity College. Cambridge. Eleven years later we find him in A'irginia, professor of divinity in \\'illiam and Mary College, upon which office he entered August 24. 1749. On Oct. 30, 1754. a convention of the clergy of \^irginia met at William and Mary College and Camm took a leading part in it. He was appointed one of
a committee to prepare "an humble address"
f'.om the 'convention to the bishop of London,
and on several other committees. He took part
in the controversy between the clergy and gov-
ernment of X'irginia over the Two Penny Act,
regarding the i)ayment of salaries, and made
a violent enemy of Gov. l-'auf[uier. It was
against the sentiment of the time for any
niember of the faculty of a college, except the
president, to marry and Camm broke this con-
vention at the age of fifty-seven and lost his
professorship in consequence, but later, upon
the death of Horrocks, in 1771. he was chosen
president of the college and head of the church
in \'irginia as well. He became a member of
the council in 1775, but in 1777 he was re-
moved from the presidency of the college be-
cause, ardent tory that he was, he would not
acknowledge the United States government.
Two years later death ended the checkered
cf.reer of "Old Parson," as he was familiarly
called. He married Betsey Hansford, and has
many descendants in Mrginia.
Corbin, Gawin, Jr., of "Buckingham House," Middlesex county, eldest son of Hon. Richard Corbin, of "Laneville," was educated abroad and returned to Mrginia about 1761. In Nov., 1758, ex-Gov. Dinwiddie. in a letter from Lon- don to Col. Riciiard Corbin. says: "Your son dined with me before he went to Cambridge. He is trul_\- a sober well-bred young gentle- man." After his return to \'irginia, Corbin was a member of the house of burgesses for Middlesex and was appointed to the council in 1775. remaining a member until the end of the royal government. The "X'irginia Gazette." March 6. 1775. says: "We are informed that (lawin Corbin, Esq.. of Middlesex, is ap- pointed one of his Alajesty's honorable Coun- cil of this colony, in the room of the late John
Page deceased."