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ridge a member of the council, in the phice of Lhihp Ludwell, deceased, and on Dec. 4 of the same year, the governor apiiointed him one (if the comnn-sioners to settk' tlie hdun- dar_\- hne between \'irginia and Xorih Caro- hna. \n 1738, Dan^Iridge \\a> given command oi' his majesty's sloop "AN'olf,"" and in 1741. was transferred to the "South Sea," forty guns, in which he served in OglelhorpcV at- tack on St. Augustine, and Admiral \'ernon's cii Carthagena. In the last mentioned ser- vice he especially distinguished himself. Later he commanded the "Ludlow Castle," man-of- v."ar. iJandridge di?d in 1743 in Hanover county. ilis brother, Col. John Dandridge, vas the fatlier of Mrs. Martha Washington.

Custis, John, the third of that name to liold the position ol councillor, was the son of Col. John Custis of 'AVilsonia," and the grandson 01 Maj. Cjen. John Cusiis, both in their d.ays councillors. Lie was born m 1678 and, his grandfather having be(|ueathed £100 ]:>er anum lor his education, he went to England for that imrpose. I ])on returnin.g to N'irginia, he ap- pears to have resided principally near Wil- liamsburg, where he owned an estate. Me v.-as a member of the house of burgesses for the college in 1718 and probably other years. He was recommended for the council in 1727, by the Earl of Orkney, and a])pointed the same year. Lie married Frances, the eldest daugh- ter of Col. Daniel Parke Jr., but being ex- ceedingly eccentric, and his lady of a ])roud and haughty disposition, the union was a most un- happy one. His son, Daniel Parke Custis, later married Miss Martha Dandridge, who finally became the wife of Wa.shington. He died November 2, 1749.

Randolph, William, of "Turkey Island," Henrico, was a son of Col. William Randolph

of the .same place, and was born in Nov., 1681. Ilis hrst public office seems to have been as- sistant to his father as clerk of the house of burgesso, a i)osition to which he hnally stic- ceeded. liolding it until 1712. In 1720, and probably other years, he was a member of the house of bm-gesses for llenrico county, and in 1727, lie was appointed to the council. In 1737, he made a vo}age to iMigland for his health, but returned the following year from which time he was a constant attendant at the sessions of the council until his death which occtirred Oct. 19, 1742. lie luarried Eliza- beth IL'\erle_\-. datighter of lion. I'eter l'.c\er- ley, of (iloucester county, \irginia, and had i-sue.

Harrison, Henry, son of I'.enjamin Har- rison of "Wakefield," Surry county, was born in 1692. He was a justice (jf Surry in 1710 and a burgess from that county in 1715, 17 18 and ])erhaps other years. On Xov. <;, 1730, liaAing been recommended as a "man in all res];ects ecpial and worthy to hll the vacant ]jlace," he was a])pointed Ijy the King a mem- ber of the council and took his seat the fol- lowing year. He did not live long to enjoy his honors, however, for his death occurred in 1732. He married, but had no issue.

Bray, David, of James City county, a son o^ Col. David ISray of the same place, and grandson of Councillor Ihay. was born in 1699. He was a man of large estate and, in fC)3i, on the recommendation of Gov. (iooch, appointed a member of the cotmcil. He mar- ried l^lizabeth. daughter of John I 'age, of Williamsburg, but died Oct. 5, 173 1, without i^sue.

Phenny, George, was sworn a member of ihe council on June 4, 1734, pursuant 1.0 a

warrant dated Jidy 31, 1732, from the "C^ueen

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