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JOHN GOSNELL & Co.'s ---



s º


JOHN GOSNELL & Co., 93, Upper Thames St., London.

RIMMEL's CHOICE PERFUMERY AND ELEGANT NOVELTIES. RIMMEL's FRAGRANt PERFUMEs, Star of India, Ihlang-Ihlang, White Rose, Jockey Club, &c., ſrom 2s. 6d. RIMMEL's Toilet VINEGAR, highly refreshing and salubrious, 1s., 2s. 6d., and 5s. RIMMEL's PURE WHITE GLYCERINE SOAP, 6d. and Is.

RIMMEL's STIMULUs, to promote the growth of the Hair, 2s. 6d. RIMMEL's AQUADENTINE, to whiten the Teeth and refresh the mouth, 2s. 6d. RIMMEL's VELvetin E, a refined imperceptible and adherent Toilet Powder, Is.6d. and 2s. 6d.

RIMMEL's PhotochroME, to restore Grey Hair to its original colour, 3s. 6d. RIMMEL's FANCY CRACKERs, most original and amusing, from 2s. per dozen RIMMEL's PERFUMED ALMANACKs—National Flowers, 6d. ; Comic Pocket Book, Is.; Baby Fan, 1s., Christmas Souvenir, Is. 6d., by post, Id. extra.


      • * *

    RIMMEL's CHRISTMAS CARDS AND SACHETS in immense variety, from 6d. to Ios. 6d. RIMMEL's FANCY Boxes, BASKETs, SCENT CASEs, &c., for Presents. Ilist on Application. | EUGENERIMMEL, Perfumer to H.R.H. the Princess of Wales, 96, Strand;128,RegentStreet, 24,00rnhill, London; 76, King's Froad, Brighton; and 17, Boulevard des Italiens, Paris. ſtſ.


    W A N Z E R " SEW | N G

    M A C H IN ES,


    ... WEANA Ex///B/TION-Two First Prize Medals were awarded to the Wanzer Sewing Machines. Also the only Grand

    sº: #and Diploma/rom the Society of Arts and Manufactures of Lower Austria, and the Order of H.I.M. FRANcis Joseph “LITTLE WANZER” HAND MACHINE continues to rank first in its class, 500,ooo having been sold. A 4.4 o.

    “WANZER" F, NEW FAMILY MACHINE, with Patent Rºversible Feed Motion, and the latest improvements. Specially adapted for Families, Dressmaking, and Manufacturing Purposes. 47 to o,

    “WANZER” D. HEAVY MACHINE, suitable for Tailors, Outfitters, and Manufacturers of Heavy Goods. A 88 o. “WANZER” A LIGHT TREADLE MACHINE, complete 466 o. CAUTION.—LITTLE WANZER MACHINE, £4 4 0. Spurious imitations are being ºffered Åy lºſſeus dealers. Ævery genuine machine is stamped with Trade Mark and Address, 4, GREAT Portland STREET, LONDON. W Prospectus, Price Lists, and all Information Free.

    Office: 4, Great Portland Street,

    London, w, and at 58, Boar Lane, Leeds.

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