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Olyftack, sloop, sent to the wreck of the Zeewijk, 186

Oranjes, Hoek, point at the inlet of the coast of New Holland visited by the expedition in 1705, 171

Os Papuos, V. New Guinea

Oyster bay, in Tasmania, lviii

Papoos, at New Guinea, 94 Parmentier, Jean, of Dieppe, voyage

to Sumatra, lix Paulmier de Gouneville, v. Gonneville Pelsart, Francis, Captain of the

Batavia, lxxxix ; shipwreck, 59 Pelsart's group, off the Houtman's

Abrolhos, 178 Pentam, island, xv ; supposed to be

Bintam, xvi Pera, yacht, voyage to New Guinea

44 Petan, occurring on the old maps on

or near the Terra Australis, lxiv Philip III memorial to, by Arias, 1 Philippine islands, settlements

attempted by the Spanish, lxx Pietersen Pieters, v. Pietersz Pietersz, Pieter, super cargo, takes

the command of the expedition

to New Guinea after Pool's death,

discovers the coast of Arnhem or

Van Diemen's Land, xciii, 4f) Pinzon, Vincent Yanez, discoveries on

behalf of Spain, xxxviii Pita Ka't, gave the natives of Tobi

island their form of religion, 1 Plancius, Peter, opens a school for the

purpose of teaching the way to

India, Ixxviii Poel, Gerrit Tomaz, v. Pool Polonia, Sta., v. Santa Polonia Pool, Gerrifc Toraaz, expedition to

New Guinea, killed by the natives,

xcii, 46 Poi'tuguesc, conceal their discoveries,

V, xlii ; discover Brazil, xxxviii ;

their claim to the discovery of

Australia, xxi, xxvi seqq, ; had

establishments in the East Indian

Islands before 1529, Ixi Portuguese kings, prohibit the ex- portation of marine charts, v, vi Portuguese names on the old French

maps of New Holland, lix Pronck, Ilcndrich, opinion on the

expedition to New Ilollaud, 117

Purry, J, P. Memoire sur le Pays des

Cadres, etc. ; project of founding a colony in Nuytsland, cxv

Quiros, Pedro Fernandez, chief pilot of Alvaro de JMendana, lxx ; me- moirs to L. de Velasco, Ixxi ; his Terra Australis is New Hebrides, lxxii ; separated from the other two ships, reaches jMexico, Ixxiv ; ad- dresses Philip II on account of further explorations, Ixxvi ; disco- veries, 18 ; death, Ixxvi, 19

Ramusio, on the secrecy of the Portu- guese with respect to their dis- coveries, V

Ridderschap van Holland, de, loss of, causes Vlamingh's expedition in 1696, 112, 114

Riviere de beaucoup d'lles, xxxii, Ivii

Roebuck, Dampier's expedition, ex

Roelandszoon, J. van AV'ijck, repudi- ates the charge of covetousness against the Dutch, vii

Roggeveen, expedition, cxvi

Roggeween, Jakob, passenger of the Vaterland Getrouu, 187

Roseboom, Andries, of the Waijer, logbook, 167

Roseboom's Bay, visited by the Vossenbosch, etc., 168

Rosemary Island, recently examined by Captain King, cxi ; name given by Dampier, 154

Rotterdam, ship, searched after, 44

Roty, Jean, v. Rotz

Rotz, Jean, maps, xxix

Rustenburg, point at the fourth inlet on the coast of New Holland, visited by the expedition in 1705, 172

Saavedra, Don Alvaro de, lights on

New Guinea, lxiv Sadeur, Jacques (or Nicolas), "Avan-

tures dans la decouverte de la

Terre Australe," cvi Sago, biscuits made of, sold to the

crew of Torres by Mahomedans, 40 Sahul Bank, seen by P. Hey\vood,cxiv Sambava, occurs ou all the J\IS. maps

of the Great Java, liv

San Christobal island, discovered, 17

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