Macrobius, map of the world, tenth centviry, xiv
Magalhaens, Fernando, not the dis- coverer of Australia, xxi ; ofters his services to Spain, sails in search of the Moluccas, xxxix
IMagellan, F. v. Magalhaens
Malaiur, island, supposed to be the kingdom of the Malays, xvi
Maleto, V. JMaletur
Maletur, misspelt for Maleto, xvii ; occurs on maps of the sixteenth century on or near the Terra Aus- tralis, Ixiv, 98
Slanilius, mentions the southern continent, xii
Marco Polo, map, xiv ; account, sup- posed to refer to Australia, xv
Mare Lantchidol, misspelt for Laut Kidol, or Chidol, " South Sea," xvii
Maria, Santa, island, v. Santa Maria
Maria's Land, point at the Delft Bay ; inhabitants very stupid, 172
Martin, Dr., on the map of Dourado, xxiii
Martinez, Joan, Portolano, Ixiii
Matanza island, discovered by Torres, 35
Mauritius, ship, discoveries, lxxxvi ; met by the expedition to New Guinea in 1622, 44
jMeerlust, ship, 183
Mendana de Meyra, Alvaro de, dis- coveries of New Guadalcanal, San Christobal, etc., 17
]Meneses, Jorge de, carried to New Guinea, lxiv
Mercator, Indications of Australia, Ixvii
Metz, Frederic, refutes Dalrymple's insinuations against Cook, xxxi
Metz, Gauthier de, v. Gauthier
Meyenberg, ship, brings the cargo of the Middenrack and Stabroeck over to Batavia, 183
Mibais van Luyck, Gilles, first mer- chant of the Eendraght, lxxxi
Middenrack, wrecks against the Table Bay, 182
Milk-Sea, between Banda and the South Land, 97
jMoluccas, dispute between the Por- tuguese and Spanish, xxxviii; com- mission appointed to, xxxix; right to them sold by Charles V to .John II, xli
Montcrez, Count of, vice-king of Peru,
lxxii Montbret, Coquebcrt, memoir in the
" Bulletin de Sciences," xxxiv Montanus, Arias, Mappemonde, Ixv
Necquebar, v. Nicobar
New Guadalcanal, discovered by Mendana, 17
New Hebrides, the Terra Australis of Quiros, lxxii
New Guinea, discovery, iv ; New Guinea and New Holland supposed to form parts of a southern con- tinent, xi ; made an island in Ortelius's 1587 edition, Ixvii ; ex- pedition under Tasman, instruc- tions, 43 ; the inhabitants, 52 ; de- scription of the country and the natives, 91 ; their weapons, man- ners, etc., 92 ; the Ceramers, Papoos ; further description of the country and its inhabitants, 95 seqq. New Guinea supposed to be divided from the South Land by a strait terminating in the South Sea; New Guinea in the old maps, under the name of Ceira (Coram), 97
New Holland, v. Australia
Nibbens, Jan, communication about the Zeewijk, 179, 184
Nicobar, island, Dampier's canoe up- setting, all papers lost, 109
Nieuwvliet, carries the cargo of the wrecked Middenrack and Stabroeck to Batavia, 183
Nobbens, v. Nibbens
Nova Hollandia, patsjallang, dis- coveries, 165
Nuyts, laud of, colony projected, cxv
Nuyts, Pieter, supposed commander of the Guide Zeepard ; country called after him, Ixxxviii
Nijptang, hooker, under Captain Collaert, forms part of Vlamingh's expedition in 1696, 113
Obadiah ; imputed prophecy concern- ing the conquest of the southern hemisphere by Spain, 9
Oero-goba, in New Guinea ; inhabi-
tants particularly ugly, 97