< Page:Early voyages to Terra Australis.djvu
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Be Bandeira, Sa', Viscount, v. Ban- deira

De Gonneville,B. Paulmicr, v. Goune- ville

De Legaspi, Lopez, v. Legaspi

Del Espiritii Santo, discovery, 37

Delft Bay, on the coast of New Hol- land, 172

Delft, Martin van, voyage, cxiii ; ex- tract from his logbook, 167

De Mendana, v. Mendana

De Meneses, v. Meneses

Do Metz, Gauthier, v. Metz

De Saavedra, v. Saavedra

De Sautarem, Vicomte, v. Santarcm

De Silva, Fray Juan, v. Silva

De Sequeira, Gomez, v. Sequeira

De Torres, Luis Vaez, v. Torres

De Villalobos, Ruy Lopez, v. Villa- lobos

De Vlamingh, v. Vlamingh

De Witt's Land, coasted by the Via- nen, lxxxix

Dirk Hartog's Island, plate, lxxxi

Dirk Hartog's Roads, lxxxi

Dispatches, Book of, from Batavia, v. Book of Dispatches

Doriados, sloop, destined for the ex- pedition to New Holland, disabled, 165

Dourados map, xxiii

Draeck, v. Vergulde Draeck

Du Socage, Barbi6, v. Barbi�

Dubois, " Vies des Gouverneurs Gene- raux," on Carpentaria, cii

Dutch discoveries on the coast of Australia, Ixxvii

Dutch East India Company, charged with exclusiveness, vi ; defended, ix

Dutchmen, two, exposed by Pelsart, to be looked after, 50

Duyfhen, yacht, expedition to New Guinea ; first authenticated dis- covery of the South Land, Ixxix ; discovery of the south and west coast of New Guinea, 43

Dwaers-in-den-wegh, island, 68

D'Waijer, sloop, discoveries, 165

Edel, commander of a ship visiting the coast of New Holland ; disco- very of Edel's Land on the west coast, lxxxvi

Eendraght, shi]!, discoveries, Ixxxi,

4 i ; pole with tin plate of the Een- draght, found by Vlamingh, 115

Eendraght, land, 177

Elburgh, dyboat, touches the South Land, 87

Emeloort, galiot, sent in search of the Vergulde Draeck, 80 ; separated from the Waeckende Boey, 85

Esquivel, Juan de, assisted by Quiros and his force on one of the Ternate islands, 41

Ferdinand and Isabella, of Spain, agreement with Don John II, about the line of demarcation, xxxviii

Fernandez, Juan, said to have dis- covered the southern continent, Ixvi ; discovers the track from Lima to Chili, 20

Fish, a remai'kable, with a sort of arms and legs, 121

Flinders, Matthew, suggested the name of Australia, Ixxviii, xcvii ; on the account of Delft's voyage, ex v

Fortuyn, perhaps wrecked on the Abrolhos, 182

Four Hollanders' ships voyage ; first voyage of the Dutch to the East Indies, Iv

Franciscan order, undertakes the con- version of the southern hemisphere, 7

Franciscus, Monachus, Mappemonde, Ixiii

Frederick Houtman's Abrolhos, v. Houtman's Abrolhos

French merchants send a ship to the Indies, xix

Geminus, speaks of a southern con- tinent, xiii

Goede Hoop, yacht, joins the Witte Valck for the rescue of the wreck of the Vergulde Draeck, 78

Gonueville, Binot Paulmicr de, the supposed first discoverer of New Holland, xx

Gouffre in the old maps, perhaps Oyster Bay in Tasmania, lviii

Guanos with apparently two heads, 144

Guide Zeepard, ship, discovery, 45

Gun island, off" the Houtman's Abrol- hos, 179.


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