posed discovery of Australia, xviii ; journals lost, xix
Bocage, Barbi� de v. Barbi�
Boeach,misspeltfor LucachorLocliac, xvii
Book of dispatches, from Batavia, ex- tract ; instructions for the expedi- tion for the discovery of Nevv^ Guinea, 43
Bosphorus (Sepharat), meaning Spain, 10
Botany Bay, originally called Sting- ray, afterwards from the variety of plants. Botany Bay ; not the Coste des Herbaiges on the early maps, xxxiv
Bowrey, captain, a copy of Tasman's map in his handwriting, xcvi
Brak, equipped for the expedition to New Guinea, 47
Breu, Antonio, going to Banda, in 1511, lx
Brosses, de, correcting Prevost's mis- statement on the discovery of Car- pentaria, c
Brazil, discovery by the Portuguese, xxxviii
Buscop, Franchoys, skipper, extract from his journal, on the Trials," 187
Cabral, discovery of Brazil, xxxviii
Callemore, point of, on the South Land, 172
Calice, promontory, on the South Land, 172
Cambodia, the Lochac of Marco Polo, xvi
Cano, Sebastian de, one of the com- missioners appointed to decide about the right of possession of the Mo- luccas, xl
Cape Keer Weer, (turn again), the furthest point of New Guinea reached by the Duyfhen, Ixxx
Cape York, the very large islands, seen by Torres, in 11° S. L., Ixxv
Capitana, expedition under Quiros, 31 ; crew mutinous, 34 ; departs suddenly and treacherously, 38
Carpentaria, discovery falsely attri- buted to Carpenter, xcix ; misstate- ment corrected, c ; Dubois on Car- penter, cii
Carpenter, the supposed discoverer of Carpentaria, c
Carstens, Jan, despatched by J. P. Coeu with the Pera and Arnhem from Amboina, murdered by the natives of New Guinea, Ixxxvii, 44
Castanheda, narrative of the discovery of New Guinea, xlii
Casuaris, name of the east point in the Roseboom's Bay, 168
Cecco d'Ascoli, map of, xiv
Ceira, name of New Guinea on the old Portuguese maps ; mistake for Ceram, 97
Ceram Lauers, trade with the natives of New Guinea, 96
Ceram ers v. Ceram Lauers
Charles V. sells his right to the Moluccas to John II, xli
Chastelijn, Cornelis, account of the discoveries, 165
Chinese, supposed to have been ac- quainted with Australia before the Europeans, xiv
Chucupin, island, 36
Clyn Amsterdam, expedition to New Guinea, 46
Coen, Jan Pietersz, despatches the Pera and Arnhem, Ixxxvii
Collaert, Gerrit, captain of the Nijp- tang, 113
Cook, captain Dalrymj^le's insinua- tions, xxxi : established the separa- tion between New Holland and New Guinea, xciv
Cornelis, Jerome, super cargo of the Batavia, conspiracy, 69 ; taken prisoner, 71 ; executed, 74
C�te dangereuse, in the old maps, xxxii, Ivii
C�te des Herbaiges, in the old maps,
xxxiv, lviii Crawford, Pako, v. Pako Crignou, Pierre, on Parmeutier, lix,
Dalrymple, Alexander, on Thevenot's map, xxxi ; translation of Torres relation of Quiros' discoveries, 31
Dangerous coast, so called by Captain Cook, supposed to be the C�te dangereuse of the maps, xxxii, Ivii
Dampier's voyage, cviii, cix, 99, 108, 134
De Brosses, v. Brosses
De Breu, Antonio, v. Breu