its refutation by Metz, xxxii ; ac- count, by Barbi� de Bocage, of a hydrographic atlas which he sup- posed to be drawn by N. Val- lard, of Dieppe, in 1547, xxxv ; Gomez de Sequeira, xliii, xlvi ; Barros' narrative, xlvi ; Sequeira driven to Tobi or Lord North's Island, xlviii ; account of the island, xlix ; Australia shown to be the country described in those maps, li ; the " Londe of Java," lii ; P. Crignon on J. Parmentier's voyage, lix ; the Portuguese, not the French, the real discoverers, lx ; the quoted French maps copied after Parmentier, Ixi; Parmentier's information derived from the Portuguese, Ixii ; the discovery before 1542, lxiv ; explorations by the Spanish in the sixteenth century, lxx ; P. Fernandez de Quiros, lxx ; Australia del Espi- rito Santo, Ixxiv ; first authenti- cated discovery made by a vessel from Holland in 1606, Ixxviii; the Duyf hen, Ixxix ; the Eendraght, under Dirk Hartog, Ixxx ; plates on Dirk Hartog's Island, Ixxxii ; Bishop Hall's " Terra Australis," Ixxxiv ; Zeachen, erroneously de- scribed as " the discoverer of Arn- heim's Land, Ixxxv ; the Land of Edcl,lxxxvi; Houtman's Abrolhos, ib.; Eendraght Land, Ixxxvii; the Pera and Arnhem, ib. ; the south discovered in 1627 by the Guide Zeepard, Ixxxviii ; De Witt's Laud, lxxxix ; a foul and barren shore, inhabitants wild, black, ib.; wreck of the Batavia on the Hout- man's Abrolhos, ib.; account of the natives, xci; G. T. Pool's, P. Pieter- sen's expedition, xciii ; A. J. Tas- man's expedition and instructions, ib. ; narrative missing, xciv ; out- line of Tasman's voyage inlaid in the tioor at the Stadhuis at Am- sterdam, xcv ; on maps, cxvi ; fragment of the account in Wit- sen's notes, xcviii ; description of the natives, xcix ; Carpentaria not discovered by Carpenter, Van Dicmen's Land not discovered by Van Dicmen, c ; the great south
land called New Holland, ciii ; Avreck of the Vergulde Draeck, cv ; Waeckende Boey and Emeloort sent to the rescue, description and chart of the Avest coast, cvi ; J. Sadeur's " Terre Australe," cvii ; W. de Vlamingh's voyage, cviii ; Dampier's description of the natives, ib.; expedition in the Pioebuck, ex; last Dutch voyage under Martin v. Delft, cxiii ; accounts of the dis- coveries of the eastern coast en- tirely wanting before Cook, cxvii ; name Australia given by Flinders, ib. ; memorial of Arias to Philip III respecting the exploration of the Southern Land, 1 ; treatise of Fray Juan da Silva, ib. ; necessity proved from the scripture, obliga- tion from the agreement with the Catholic Church, 4; physical proofs of the existence and habitability, 14 ; richness in metals and stones, 16 ; discoveries already made, 17 ; all tends to prove the greatness, populousness, and richness of the southern continent, 24 ; Luis Vaez de Torres on Quiros' discoveries, 31 ; San Valeric, las Virgines, Santa Polonia, 32 ; Matanza, skirmish with the natives, 34 ; Taomaco, in- habitants white and red, some co- loured, others black and mulattoes, agreeable people, slavery in use amongst them ; they name more than forty islands, 36 ; Chucupia islands, ib.; Santa Maria island, 37; possession taken of the Ray San Felipe y Santjago, and the land del Espirito Santo, ib. ; people black and naked, ib.; departure of the Capitana, 38; pass an archi- pelago of islands, 39 ; descrip- tion of the inhabitants, 40 ; find Mahometans at the termination of this land, ib. ; instructions for the new expedition by the yachts Lim- men, Zeemeuw, and Brak vmder Tasman,43; former voyages towards New Guinea and the South Land undertaken for the Dutch East In- dia Company, 44 ; Staten and Van Diemen's Land found, also the pas- sage to the South Sea, 47 ; Voy-
age and shipwreck of F. Pelsart in