From hence we steered south. Wc had a hard gale of Avind from the north, which obliged us to lye to for two days : at the end of that time it was thouglit, as it was winter, that we could not exceed the latitude of 14° S., in which we Avere, though my opinion was always directly con- trary, thinking we should search for the islands named by the Indians of Taomaco. Wherefore sailing from this place we steered west, and in one day's sail we discovered a vol- cano, very high and large, above three leagues in circuit, full of trees, and of black people with much beard.
To the westward, and in sight of this volcano, was an island, not very high and pleasant in appearance. There are few anchoring places, and those very close to the shore : it was very full of black people. Here we caught two in some canoes, whom we cloathed and gave them presents, and the next day we put them ashore. In return for this they shot a flight of arrows at a Spaniard, though in truth it was not in the same port, but about a musket shot farther on. They are, however, a people that never miss an oppor- tunity of doing mischief.
In sight of this island and around it are many islands, very high and large, and to the southward one so large that we stood for it, naming the island where our man was wounded Santa Maria.
Sailing thence to the southward towards the large island, we discovered a very large bay, well peopled, and very fer- tile in yams and fruits, hogs and fowls. They are all black people and naked. They fight with bows, darts and clubs. They did not choose to have peace with us, though we fre- quently spoke to them and made presents ; and they never, with their goodwill, let us set foot on shore.
This bay is very refreshing, and in it fall many and large rivers. It is in 15|-° S. latitude, and in circuit it is twenty- five leagues. We named it the bay de San Felipe y San-
tiago, and the land del Espiritu Santo.