doms and all Your Majesty's possessions. And we do not seem to bethink ourselves that, in neglecting and crushing so great an enterprise, our most culpable and persevering re- missness brings upon us this grievous and abiding calamity, which we shall realize with greater certainty when we have to repair such great losses, for w^e shall have to effect all our conversions amidst great blindness and error.
Meanwhile Your Majesty might not apprehend how that this proposition is the most important that could be made for the w^elfare of your crown, and that its most speedy and faithful execution should be carried out with the same fer- vour and zeal as was shown at the commencement by your most Christian predecessors the Catholic kings, who fre- quently declared that, when other means failed, they them- selves would go forth to carry it into effect. By this means will Your Majesty return to find the road which they fol- lowed, and by which they brought their kingdom to so great a height of prosperity, from which exalted height it has, through the loss of time and through repeated blunders and hindrances, continued falling, until we have reached such a point that the most inconsiderable nations of Europe, whom we formerly held beneath our feet, now look upon us as an oppressed and afflicted nation and of small account, which is a horrible fact, and an easily recognizable effect of the divine indignation for the aforesaid cause, and there is no one who correctly reasons upon this subject but will come to the same conclusion.
Let me also invite Your Majesty's attention to the words of the Apostle in the passage quoted above : *' How shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard ? and how shall they hear without a preacher ? and how shall they preach except they be sent ?" And let Your Majesty take into account that the Apostle is speaking with Your Majesty yourself, and with your kingdoms, with reference to this
very point, in as much as the charge has been given for