Gabriel's "Ave" chased away
Darksome night, and brought the day
Thou the Fount whence waters play
Ladye, Flower of living thing,
"Rosa sine spina";
Mother of Jesus, heaven's King,
"Gratia divinia";
'Tis thou in all dost bear the prize,
Ladye, Queen of Paradise,
Maiden meek and Mother wise,
In care thou counsellest the best,
"Felix fecundata";
To the weary thou are rest,
"Mater honorata";
Plead in thy love to Him who gave
His precious Blood the world to save
"In cruce,"
That we our home with Him may have
"In luce."
Well knows he, that he is thy Son,
"Ventre quem portasti";
All thou dost ask Him, then, is won,
"Partum quem lactasti";
So pitiful He is and kind,
By Him the road to bliss we find
He doth the gates of darkness bind