Spoke the Judge, and His smile of love
Gladdened the waiting choir above:
"'Sin and sorrow forever past,
Heaven I grant you, first and last!"
By D. J. Donahoe
At midnight from the zenith burst a light
More radiant and more beautiful than dawn,
And the meek shepherds on the shadowy lawn
Gazed upward in mute wonder on the sight;
The stars sank back in pallor, and the skies
Trembled responsive to rich harmonies.
And lo! an angel spake, "Be not afraid!
I bear glad tidings; for this happy morn
A Saviour and a King to man is born;
He sleepeth in a manger lowly laid."
Then rolled along the heavens the glad refrain;
"Glory to God on high and peace to men!'
Soon from the skies the streaming light was gone,
And Night and Silence rested on the hill;
But the mute shepherds, looking upward still,
Could hear the heavenly echoes rolling on.
So evermore the listening world can hear
The Angelic Chorus ringing sweet and clear.