Now in the iron mandate from Madrid
Saw failure blight his hopes, and Santa Cruz
Eclipsed, through imposition unforeseen
Of Suarez de Toledo—only half
A monk!—a fledgling doctor in the Schools!—
And Frei Egidio unsleeping schemed
To check the rising of this Spanish star
Within Coimbra,—and his henchmen went
Stealthy and sure to sow malignant seed
To choke the Hapsburg's new autocracy.
Stately was Frei Egidio, robust,
Swarthy and smooth his cheek; his raven locks
Piling about his tonsure in a crown.
Dark flashed his eye whene'er he rose to cast
His syllogistic spear across the lists,
Where many a mighty crest Minerva-crowned
Was forced to yield, or learnt the rapier thrust
Of his distinguo and non-sequiter.
Still more he shone when in procession moved
The doctors, masters, and licentiates,
With tufted caps, and rainbow gowns, and stoles,
And ring, and book across the steeps and squares,
While gallant youths pressed round on horse or foot
Holding his robe or stirrup through the town—
The Catedratico da Vespera.
But now this little shrivelled man sent out
From Salamanca,—Philip's paragon!—
To rule Coimbra in theology!—
One of Loyola's strange and restless band
In the Collegio de Jesus,—reproach
To every gorgeous doctor in the halls.
'Twas true he hid away within his house,
Came seldom to the festival or Acts,