For we are exiled children of the skies,
Lone and lost wanderers from home . . .
The stars come out like lamps in windows lit
Far, far from where we roam;
Like candles lit to show the long late way,
Dear kindly beacons sure and bright;
But O, the heavy journeying, and O
The silence of the night!—
The dark and vasty silences that lie
Between the going and the goal!
Will not God reach a friendly hand to lift
And land my weary soul?
Will not God speak a friendly word to me
Above the tumult and the din
Of earthly things—one little word to hush
he voice of care and sin?. . .
He speaks! He answers my poor faltering prayer!
He opens heaven's lattice wide;
He bids me bathe my brow in heavenly airs
Like to a flowing tide!
He calls; He gives unto my famished soul,
Unto my eager heart, its meed:
He breathes upon me with the breath of song,
And O, my soul is freed,
And I am lifted up and up, and held
A little while—a child, to see
The beauties of my Father's house, which shall
No more be shut from me!