O. Sheel, Shaemas
Roma Mater Sempaeterna 182
Mary's Baby 183
They Went Forth to Battle 183
He Whom A Dream Hath Possessed 184
Pallen, Condé Benoist
Maria Immaculata 186
The Raising of the Flag 191
The Babe of Bethlehem 194
Patmore, Coventry
The Toys 195
"If I Were Dead" 197
Departure 197
Regina Cœli 199
Pearse, P. H.
Ideal 199
Phillips, Charles
Music 200
Plunkett, Joseph M.
I See His Blood Upon the Rose 202
The Stars Sang in God's Garden 202
Probyn, May
Is It Nothing to You? 203
The Bees of Myddleton Manor 204
Proctor, Adelaide Anne
A Legend 210
The Sacred Heart 211
The Annunciation 214
Our Daily Bread 216
Randall, James Ryder
My Maryland 217
Magdalen 220
Why the Robin's Breast Was Red 221
Repplier Agnes
Le Repos in Egypte—The Sphinx 221