The Ox hath hushed his voyce and bent
Trewe eyes of Pitty ore the Mow,
And on his lovelie Neck, forspent,
The Blessed layes her Browe.
Around her feet,
Full Warme and Sweete,
His bowerie Breath doth meeklie dwell:
Amen, Amen: But sore am I with Vaine Travel! The Ox is Host in Judah stall And Host of more than onlie one, For close she gathereth withal Our Lorde her littel Sonne. Glad Hinde and King Their Gyfte may bring, But wo'd to-night my Teares were there, Amen, Amen: Between her Bosom and His hayre!
THE WILD RIDE By Louise Imogen Guiney
I hear in my heart, I hear in its ominous pulses All day, on the road, the hoofs of invisible horses, All night, from their stalls, the importunate pawing and neighing.
Let cowards and laggards fall back! but alert to the saddle,
Weatherworn and abreast, go men of our galloping legion,