(which rendered it desirable to improve and expand Walter’s mind), could have ever loosened his tongue to the extent of giving utterance to this prodigious oration. He seemed quite amazed himself at the manner in which it opened up to view the sources of the taciturn delight he had had in eating Sunday dinners in that parlour for ten years. Becoming a sadder and a wiser man, he mused and held his peace.
"Come!" cried the subject of this admiration, returning. "Before you have your glass of grog, Ned, we must finish the bottle."
"Stand by!" said Ned, filling his glass. "Give the boy some more."
"No more, thank’e, Uncle!"
"Yes, yes," said Sol, "a little more. We ’ll finish the bottle, to the House, Ned—Walter’s house. Why it may be his house one of these days, in part. Who knows? Sir Richard Whittington married his master’s daughter."
"'Turn again Whittington, Lord Mayor of London, and when you are old you will never depart from it,'" interposed the Captain. "Wal’r! Overhaul the book, my lad."
"And although Mr. Dombey hasn’t a daughter," Sol began.
"Yes, yes, he has, Uncle," said the boy, reddening and laughing.
"Has he?" cried the old man. "Indeed I think he has too."
"Oh! I know he has," said the boy. "Some of 'em were talking about it in the office today. And they do say, Uncle and Captain Cuttle," lowering his voice, "that he’s taken a dislike to her, and that she’s left, unnoticed, among the servants, and that his mind’s so set all the while upon having his son in the House, that although he’s only a baby now, he is going to have balances struck oftener than formerly, and the books kept closer than they used to be, and has even been seen (when he thought he wasn’t) walking in the Docks, looking at his ships and property and all that, as if he was exulting like, over what he and his son will possess together. That’s what they say. Of course, I don’t know."
"He knows all about her already, you see," said the instrument Maker.
"Nonsense, uncle," cried the boy, still reddening and laughing, boy-like. "How can I help hearing what they tell me?"
"The son’s a little in our way at present, I’m afraid, Ned," said the old man, humouring the joke.
"Very much," said the Captain.
"Nevertheless, we’ll drink him," pursued Sol. "So, here’s to Dombey and Son."
"Oh, very well, Uncle," said the boy, merrily. "Since you have introduced the mention of her, and have connected me with her and have said that I know all about her, I shall make bold to amend the toast. So here’s to Dombey—and Son—and Daughter!"