when the moment actually arrives, Russia will open the Serbian question and solve it. Iswolski realizes that the battle against the German nation is inevitable."
During the Balkan War the Serbian Ambassador reported concerning the new Russian Minister for Foreign Affairs, Sasanow: "He is inspired with confidence by our power after our great successes, and he believes that we will shake the foundations of Austria-Hungary. We are to content ourselves with what we will get and to regard it only as a stepping-stone, for the future belongs to us."
In the year 1913, also during the Balkan difficulty, Sasanow repeated that Serbia must work for the future "when she will receive considerable land from Austria-Hungary." Sasanow informed the Russian Ambassador in Belgrade, Hartwig, in 1913: "Serbia has passed through the first stage of her historic course, and in order to achieve the end she will have to endure a terrible battle, which will involve risking her very existence. The promised land of Serbia lies within the territory of Austria-Hungary, and not where she is striving at present, and where the Bulgarians stand in her path. In the circumstances it is of vital interest to Serbia to preserve her alliance with Bulgaria on the one hand, and on the other hand to prepare herself with steady and patient labour to the degree that is necessary, so that she may be ready for the future battle which is inevitable. Time is working in favour of Serbia and towards the destruction of her enemies, who are already displaying certain signs of disruption.