< Page:Dictionary of National Biography. Errata (1904).djvu
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311 ii 14 Burgess, John: for Hamsacre read Hunsacre
3-1 f.e. for Dr. Munk . . . certainly mistaken read He also had a son, Dr. John

Burgess of Sutton Coldfield, whose 'Medical Commonplaces' are preserved in Sloane MS. 250

313 ii 6 Burgess, Thomas: after Salisbury insert He was prebendary of Salisbury 1787-1808
19-20 for In 1794 read In September 1791
315 ii 19 Burgh, Benedict: after Estsex' insert Burgh also edited and completed Lydgate's 'Secretes of Philosophers' (see Robert Steele's edition of the 'Secreta' for the Early English Text Society, 1893)
319 i 37 Burgh, Hubert de: for 1330 read 1230
323 i l.l. Burgh, Richard de: for FitzAldelm read Fitzaldhelm
327 ii 7 Burgh, Sir Ulysses B.: for Lord Downes read 2nd Baron Downes [q. v.]
4 f.e. before He became insert He was M.P. for Carlow Co. 1818-26 and for Queenborough 1826-30
328 i 3-4 for the following year read 1833
5-7 for during the Duke . . . ordnance read remained surveyor-general of the ordnance during the Duke of Wellington's ministry till 1830
15 before He died insert He was colonel of the 54th foot 1845-50
Burgh, Walter de: for Walter de Laci's wife read Walter de Burgh's wife
332 ii 12 f.e. Burghall, Edward: for Raine read Raines
333 ii 4 Burghers, Michael: for (d. 1727) read (1653?-1727)
5-6 for came to England . . . Oxford read born at Amsterdam about 1653, and settled at Oxford in 1673
9 after 1720 insert He succeeded David Loggan [q. v.] as 'sculptor' to the university in 1692
14 for John Barefoot, letter-doctor read Richard Barefoot, letter-carrier
339 ii 13 f.e. Burgoyne, Sir John (1739-85): for 1783 read 1782
341 i 5 Burgoyne, John (1722-1792): for 1768 read 1769
348 ii 27 Burgoyne, Sir John F.: for 1850 read 1851
4 f.e. after engineers insert (November 1854)
345 i 28 Burhill, Robert: for Beconum read Becanum
32 for Beconi read Becani
372 ii 19 f.e. Burley, John: for 1647 read 1648
373 i 4 for 1647 read 1647-8
377 ii 28 Burn, Richard: for 1733 read 1734
378 ii 36 Burn, William: omit Dalkeith Palace and
21 f.e. for Sandown read Sandon
15 f.e. for the Earl of Annesley read Earl Annesley
380 ii 8 f.e. Burnaby, Frederick G.: for 1874 read 1875
386 ii 14 f.e. Burnell, Robert: after obtained insert He was presented to prebends in St. Paul's and Hereford cathedrals
397 ii 1 Burnet, Gilbert: for 1672 read 1671
398 i 36 for Grimstone read Grimston
399 i 42 for the Earl of Stafford read Viscount Stafford
402 ii 39 for 1699 read 1698
404 ii 34 for 7 read 17
405 i 1 after controversy insert He was prebendary of Salisbury from 1715 until his death, 17 June 1726
407 ii 14 f.e. Burnet, Margaret: omit 1670 or
408 ii 27 Burnet, Thomas (1635?-1715): for 1661 read 1667
410 i 32 Burnet, Thomas (d. 1750): after and insert was prebendary of Salisbury from 1711 till his death, 28 May 1750. He
ii 20-19 f.e. Burnet, Sir Thomas: for was at length called to the bar read at length began practice at the bar
415 i 8 f.e. Burnett, Sir William: after K.C.B. insert in 1850
416 i 6 f.e. Burney, Charles: for 'The Coming Man' read 'The Cunning Man'
417 ii 9-8 f.e. for Reynolds, now . . . . Oxford read Reynolds for Mrs. Thrale, at whose sale it was bought by Charles Burney (1757-1817) [q. v.]; it now belongs to Archdeacon Burney; a replica is in the Music School, Oxford
418 i 12 omit Busby's Anecdotes, ii. 52


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