< Page:Dictionary of National Biography. Errata (1904).djvu
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410 i 5 f.e. Bathurst, Ralph: before and in 1691 insert From 1673 to 1676 he was vice-chancellor of Oxford
ii 24 for Otmere read Oddington in Otmoor
416 ii 22
Batteley, John: for 1647 read 1646
417 i 10-7 f.e. Batteley, Nicholas: for 1650 read 1648
ii 3 for Newton read Nowton
418 i 7 Battel, Ralph: for 1685 read 1680
421 i 23-22 f.e. Battine, William: for Throughout the reign of George IV read From 1812 to 1827
435 ii 8 f.e. Baxter, Richard: after wife intert Margaret Charlton, and after maxried insert on 10 Sept. 1662
442 i 13-12 f.e. Bayley, Sir Edward C.: for He was . . . 1877 read He was made C.S.I. in 1875 and K.C.S.I. in 1878
445 ii 21 Bayley, Walter: for 1592 read 1593
34 after 1681 insert He was in the service of the Earl of Leicester (cf. Leicester's Commonwealth)
446 i 5 after authorities add Bayley also wrote 'A Brief Discourse of Certaine Bathes on Mineral Waters in the Co. of warwick,' London, 1582
449 i 6 Bayly, Lewis: before On his patron's death insert He was treasurer of St. Paul's 1611, prebendary of Lichfield 1613-14, and archdeacon of St. Albans 1616
ii 11 f.e. Bayly, Thomas: after Bangor insert and became prebendary of Lincoln in the same year
453 ii 14 Baynard, Fulk: for (d. 1806) read (fl. 1226)
22-23 for was born in 1631 read son of Robert Baynes, was baptised at Leeds parish churc on 22 Dec. 1622
455 i 3-4 for Northamptonshire read near Leeds in Yorkshire
456 ii 2 Baynes, Ralph: for France read Paris
458 ii 13 f.e. Beach, Thomas: after 1788 insert He was president of the Society of Artists in 1783
459 ii 7 f.e. Beadon, Frederick: after 1875 insert He held the prebend of Compton Bishop from 26 May 1809 till his death 70 years later. He was also chancellor of Wells Cathedral from 1825 till his death
462 i 16 Beadon, Richard: after Denmark insert He held the prebendal stall of Reculverland in St. Paul's Cathedral 1771-5
17 after London insert with the prebend of Mapesbury in St. Paul's Cathedral, which he held till 1802
22 after university insert He was vice-canchellor at Cambridge 1781-2


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